This Christmas
This Christmas
PG-13 | 27 November 2007 (USA)
This Christmas Trailers

This year Christmas with the Whitfields promises to be one they will never forget. All the siblings have come home for the first time in years and they've brought plenty of baggage with them. As the Christmas tree is trimmed and the lights are hung, secrets are revealed and family bonds are tested. As their lives converge, they join together and help each other discover the true meaning of family.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
rockingroyal This Christmas, is your typical black movie, where is the uniqueness and where is the fresh ideas, I am sick and tired of people hollering about their atheists, the writer must be an atheist himself: because he left Christ out of the entire movie, and it is labled this Christmas, if you are not going to acknowledge God, stop trying to make money off his name. Christmas is Christ-mas, Also, when you have a church scene, if you cannot mention God in the song, leave it out completely, I do not want to hear the chior singing mistletoe, really!??? what happen to silent night or go tell it on the Mountain, Joy to the world; They made church a joke: They should have use the song this Christmas; when the family was visiting each other, shopping, or cooking, Not during church: Also, the overdone story lines where the black men are shooting at each other, robbing, stealing, going to jail, families arguing and fighting, black women lay around and end up with some STD and do not want to get married or remaining single; I am disgusted with these stories; the writer seem to be selfish: Also, you have people question, why we do not watch black films. However, We are tired of the repetition stories, also people, stories like these carry spirits and they can come out of the screen and leap into these people homes, we have to be careful, we are entertaining demons, if you do not believe me, for example, when Michael Jackson did the song ghost, He laid on the ground and turned to dust, is he not gone today, even though its just a video of a song, and when Redd Foxx played the role of Fred Sandford, having a junk yard buiness with his son, and always pretending to have a heart attack, in real life, he died of a heart attack, also a woman played on a soap opera, chased after men, the man always choose another woman over her, and she was left lonely, in real life, do you know she is divorced and left alone, It is okay to play a sad role once in awhile, but overdoing it, is too much, then it become spirits leaping into people homes or take effect on the characters real life, and women lives who want to get married, also have you seen the movie the shining, the woman went crazy in the movie, and now they announced on Inside Edition, a a couple of weeks ago, that she went mentally insane, and now she is in a mental institute, this is real life, I am expecting something better from these black films; If we are going to do a Christmas movie, do it right, its about Jesus
jackiemrs Watched this Christmas 2010 ! Did not know what to expect as I had not seen this ensemble act together before and was unsure about Chris Brown as I know him for his vocal skills - What a revelation this film is! It is just the sort of movie to watch at Christmas as its heartwarming, redemptive,home truths are confronted and dealt with in a positive fashion.... the brilliant actors and storyline draw you in and make you really care about the characters.and that Chris brown sings like no other in this movie, so pitch perfect i'm going to purchase the soundtrack.I was left with a lovely feeling after watching with this with my sons.
ariel phillips This Christmas is a very good movie.I didn't think it was going to be good cause Chris Brown in not a actor he is a singer and usually singers don't make good actors.Laruan London is a very good actor she played her part very well.This is a movie that the whole family can watch together and love it.This move symbolizes what a everyday family goes through on holidays.I would recommend this movie to other people if they haven't seen it yet,and they wont be disappointed when they watch it.They need 2 make a second movie to so how the family is with them find out that there brother is marring a white women and having a baby by her.
dbborroughs Family drama of a(black) family coming together for the holidays. I mention the color aspect only because there is a moment where color plays a role, however color and race are really irrelevant since this is an excellent little family drama about the things that make us family-what ever our color. A strong cast that includes Delroy Lindo makes what is occasionally a clichéd story into something more universal. Frankly these are real people up on the screen and any cliché's reflect that life is something like that. Huge bonus points for the fact that there aren't really movie of the week problems or histrionics. Things happen, but the family takes it all in stride with out a great deal of gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes. I really like this movie a great deal and look forward to seeing the film again down the road. 8 out of 10 for making a truly universal family drama that is just good time with good people.(This is very much deserving of a longer better review but I haven't figured out how to explain the tapestry of the film with out making it sound petty or less than it is.)