They Were Sisters
They Were Sisters
NR | 20 September 1946 (USA)
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The story of three sisters and the men they marry: one is happily married but childless, the second promiscuously escapes an unhappy, loveless marriage, and the third is tortured by the mental cruelties inflicted by a domineering husband.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Karl Ericsson I don't see any poor people, except the servants of course, when i see this picture. There is idleness all around. Everybody seem to be asking for a good thrashing on there buttocks, preferably engineered by their servants. I guess this is the American way: To believe to be a millionaire - some time in the future until you are too old to believe anything anymore. How else could you explain poor people voting republican? Stupidness knows no boundaries - ask an(y) American. They all look at themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires as John Steinbeck put it. Imagine that! How could anyone be so screwed and evil, by the way, then who but a very evil person would like to be rich while others are poor? Well, most of these evil persons are poor anyway, thankfully.
bkoganbing They Were Sisters casts Phyllis Calvert, Anne Crawford, and Dulcie Gray as three sisters who meet and marry their husbands right after World War I and the film is the story of the three marriages in those years between the World Wars. It's not unlike the Bette Davis-Errol Flynn film from Warner Brothers The Sisters. But believe me there are no characters in that one as dark and sinister as James Mason here.Phyllis Calvert is the nice one, the real glue that holds the extended family together. She meets and marries Peter Murray-Hill who was her husband in real life. They have no children, but become everyone's favorite uncle and aunt.Anne Crawford is a spoiled child of the Roaring Twenties who wants to have every man in a room drooling when she makes an entrance. She's an incurable flirt, but she marries Barrie Livesey who's a comfortable old soul even in his youth and who knows himself, he's as dull as drying paint. One flirtation with Hugh Sinclair does put the marriage at risk however. She also ignores her only daughter who finds her best times spent with Calvert.Dulcie Gray when she's on steals the film. Before the term was invented Gray is the perfect picture of a battered wife. She marries James Mason who systematically lowers the self esteem of a kind and generous person, even in the eyes of the three children they have. Of course Mason also starts on them as well and the other sisters soon notice it. Mason is also at his nastiest in They Were Sisters. Without ever doing anything really physical to Gray, his voice inflections and body language suggest a truly evil man. His oldest daughter is played by Pamela Kellino who soon afterwards became Mrs. Mason in real life. They Were Sisters explores some themes that Hollywood was not touching on at this time. Very similar to that other Gainsborough film, Fanny By Gaslight which also starred Mason and Calvert. It's a strong and disturbing film even with child characters, not necessarily for kid's viewing.
howardmorley If you have seen "The Man in Grey (1943)" and enjoyed it, you should take the time and trouble to seek out this forgotten gem from 1945 for it again stars James Mason playing a sadistic, manipulative husband, albeit in modern dress.Alongside, it tells the story of three very different sisters at a time between the two world wars.The story also follows their respective marriages and the type of husbands they wed.Phylis Calvert (Lucy) plays a "goody two shoes" sister who has tragically lost a daughter but has a very supportive, understanding husband.A very sexy Anne Crawford plays a promiscuous wife (Vera) who finds her husband boring and looks for affairs on the side.To be fair to her character, she did say to her fiancé that she did not love him before they wed.Nevertheless they have a daughter together.There is a brief sexy scene where Vera is putting on her stockings which is far more daring than you will see in American films of the time with the Hays Censorship Code in place.I have quite a collection of films of this vintage and the only equivalent film I can think of is the Madeleine Carroll/Robert Donat scene in the Scottish hotel bedroom from "The 39 Steps" (1935).As an aside, if you would like to see another performance by Anne Crawford, seek out "Millions Like Us" (1943).Finally Dulcie Gray plays (Charlotte) the passive victim-type sister who marries "Geoffrey" (James Mason) at his sadistic best.They have an elder daughter and a younger son and daughter who come to despise their cruel, manipulative father.You may smile at their frightfully refined, polished accents (presumably taught at stage school) but this is one of the charms I find from films of this time.Another reviewer commented on the near incestuous relationship hinted at in the film with his elder daughter played by his later real wife, Pamela Mason. Good must triumph in these morality films of the time.No, I won't provide a spoiler.I do know that I have my wife's attention with a film such as "They Were Sisters" if I dare to speak during it and she cuts me off.This was no exception!!
calvertfan I once read an article which stated that Phyllis Calvert and Peter Murray-Hill would have been "Britain's Nick and Nora" had they made more films together. On seeing them act separately in films, I took that commentary to be a bit too hopeful. Then, I saw "They Were Sisters". And - move over Myrna and Bill! When together, Phyl and Peter did not seem at all like they were acting, they were just a happily married couple bantering, teasing the other lightly and ad-libbing as if they were not in a movie at all, but just out for a weekend picnic. Their scenes together were by far the movie's best.At the other end of the scale is James Mason and Pamela Kellino (later Pamela Mason). They were playing father and daughter in the movie, and if you hadn't known about their off-screen relationship, seeing the way they interacted on the screen would have been a bit worrying.With the wrong actors, "They Were Sisters" could have easily been a ridiculous farce, and at times it does begin to stray towards over-acting. But with the right actors, including the three youngest children, it comes across perfectly and is a movie well worth watching. 10/10