They Remain
They Remain
| 28 January 2018 (USA)
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Two scientists investigate the root of environmental changes and strange animal behavior at a remote site where a cult committed atrocities. The isolated location, the unraveling of their relationship, and the biome itself begin to lead them down a path of doom where primeval forces threaten to consume them. An adaptation of Laird Barron's short story "–30–".

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
code-27136 Seems like more and more movies are based on some kind of occult, witchcraft, sorcery, illuminate, new age lifestyle now a days. It's quite disgusting.
timmucci They Remain sits solidly within the weird tradition of film -- in that you get what you bring to it.It will not answer your questions for you. Instead it will give you unnerving and tantalizing insights into a world that seems quite like our own -- beautiful and safe. Yet beneath that veneer, there is rot and there is madness, and They Remain does not shrink from that horror.Will you?
nowego The Blair Witch Project at the time of writing this review has a rating of 6.4, including my rating of 1/10. This is that much better than TBWP, which I found to be a load of cow droppings.The score and cinematography in this are top notch, both main actors do a pretty good job as well. That is all that gets this 4 stars. Any semblance of a story would have gotten this another star.I sat through this once, but would not do it again. A few times I considered turning it off, but didn't, so be it, there went 100 minutes of my life....Not a terrible movie, but not one I would recommend to anyone.
donkeycity Compelling performances, often-gorgeous cinematography, and a persistent sense of unease and alien eroticism, make for a hypnotic Horror film that opens itself up for you get lost in its rich textures and existential dread. Think 'Picnic at Hanging Rock,' but with a touch more paganism. It's pretty great.They Remain is, to my knowledge, the first cinematic adaptation of a Laird Barron story (this one being rooted in -30- from the Occultation short story collection), and it does a wonderful job of evoking the unsettling world-behind-the-world that is the persistent undercurrent of Barron's work. Readers of story might note that the setting has moved from a California desert to a chilly forest - a move I think really works to the film's advantage, letting the internal confusion of the characters manifest externally, and - importantly - providing an environment that feels ancient and alive, brimming with cycles of life and death, decomposition and rebirth. For me, at least, it gives it much more of a 'folk horror' atmosphere that I really connected with.Separating this film from other works adjacent to this stripe of dream-inflected natural Horror is the strong work by the two lead actors. They largely carry, and solidify, the narrative by skirting between both alienation and dependence, keeping the audience enthralled in the acrimony bubbling under the surface within the tight confines of the field research lab, as the ebb and flow of needing a home to come back to conflicts with the compulsion to taste the reckless freedom of just being lost in nature, and the price that is paid for both.It's a really excellent film that, for the right audience at least, is going to be a deeply compelling and unsettling experience.