Angels and Insects
Angels and Insects
| 10 September 1995 (USA)
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In Victorian England, wealthy patriarch Sir Harald Alabaster invites an impoverished biologist, William Adamson, into his home. There, William tries to continue his work, but is distracted by Alabaster's seductive daughter, Eugenia. William and Eugenia begin a torrid romance, but as the couple become closer, the young scientist begins to realize that dark, disturbing things are happening behind the closed doors of the Alabaster manor.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
piedbeauty37 Great acting and directing plus an ingenious plot line make "Angels and Insects" a movie worth watching. Returning to civilization from the Amazon, Mark Rylance is taken in by a wealthy, aristocratic family. He falls for the oldest daughter of the house, Eugenia, who is lovely but troubled. He thinks she is the most beautiful creature he has ever seen.What he discovers about the Alabaster family is a dark secret which shatters his world.The movie is beautiful to watch and a real thought provoker. I highly recommend it.
Doug Galecawitz the ugliness that is revealed in the end of the movie is somewhat predictable. the writers seemed to have given too much away. and at time the film moves quite slowly. definitely not for fans of jerry bruckheimer movies. on the other hand if you have a thing for Darwinian thought, well written prose, and don't mind a bit of nudity, this may just be your thing. The British accents are quite thick and a bit of humor could soften the film up. Did humor exist in Victorian england? It sure doesn't turn up in any of the literature? The movie has some fine acting and adequate directing but the writing borders on poetry. Does anyone actually speak like the Adamson character in this film? Who Knows? 7 out of 10 on a good day. A lazy Sunday morning movie.
moonspinner55 A U.S.-British co-production for PBS, from A.S. Byatt's story "Morpho Eugenia" (a better title!), this head-scratcher of a human drama involves a Victorian England bug-specialist who comes to stay with a wealthy family and falls in love with his benefactor's lovely but unstable daughter. A carefully plotted picture, which might mean slow or sluggish--yet the film is never boring. Moments of eccentricity, romance and surrealism are blended together with skill, and the actresses in particular (Kristen Scott Thomas and the wonderfully brave Patsy Kensit) are first-rate. It's a difficult film, but one worth staying with. **1/2 from ****
cookiela2001 I remember all the critics raving about this when it came out, but I avoided it because I have to be in a special mood to swallow costume dramas. (I usually just can't relate, and the men are more often than not a tiresome drag, popping out of heavy draperies to shout "Tally Ho, you young rascal" or some such swill. Stow it, Brother!) I was therefor surprised to find this movie so compelling. First of all, the acting is very naturalistic, especially that of the male lead. (I absolutely loved the pretty, babbling, OBESE mother, always groaning over tarts or berries in cream. What a weird yet perfectly plausible character for the time period!) The strange, brilliantly colored costumes are imaginative and sumptuously designed, with a psychology all their own.What's really interesting about the film is its subtle, controlled sense of menace. Specifically threatening things don't happen in the story until the final third, but you just know something's festering beneath the surface. Maybe it's because this bloated household is so isolated? I'll definitely watch this movie again. It's made with taste, style, and a creepy intelligence.
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