They Are Among Us
They Are Among Us
| 14 May 2004 (USA)
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The film concerns a sleepy town that is populated mostly by aliens who have suspicious been pretending to be humans for a lengthy period of time in order to eventually strip the planet of resources they need to live.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
GL84 Living in a small town, friends growing concerned over their friends' strange disappearances stumble across a plot from a group of alien insects that need human collagen to survive and race to stop them from unleashing their deadly plans.This here was a somewhat decent killer alien film. One of those better points is the beginning in the film where there's a really nice mystery built-up, getting this off to a nice start from the beginning. Starting with the build-up from the mystery about the missing teenagers to the evidence of the parents being involved in the strange scam, this one has some pretty decent scenes from these parts as it's all done to make the rest of the segment feel that much creepier backed behind the other parts in the film setting it up nicely. That the aliens themselves, in the few scenes of them seen, are really nice and Along with the rare on- screen appearances of them leads to some really impressive scenes with them, which is most apparent in the finale which is really fun. They're appearance also works for this, being tall, lanky, scaly and dripping with claws and fangs, which together with their domestic look and demeanor make for a really great creature. There's also a couple of really well-done scenes which are really great, with the party scene at the house taking the simple concept it presents in theory and offering a superb twist down in the basement with the strobe-light in full effect offering up the sacrifice scene, and there's also all the good stuff from being in the underground caves. The last good thing about this one was the acceptably-sized body count, which had some okay deaths if nothing standout or new, but the quantity here takes precedence. These here are the film's good points, though there is a lot of damage caused by its flaws. The biggest issue is that the film has nearly way too much plot going on, as the admittedly-entertaining mystery throws way too many ideas into it that there's simply overkill at a point. There's the fact that the aliens are involved with the crop-circles and medallion as well as the effects of the collagen works well, since they are presented in logic, accurate and believable manners, and this would've been well and good except for the fact that there's the inclusion of the parasite angle. They were terrible enough, but rather than doing anything good about it, this one has the effects of the parasite go indirect opposition of the alien angle. It's almost as though it was thrown in merely to add a twist to the film and make the creatures feel threatening, but it all just feels tacked on instead. The big sequence where it's supposedly mushed together with the other elements but catastrophically fails, making the whole thing more complicating and headache-inducing than necessary. This also brings up the film's other real flaw, the slow pace at the beginning since it's got the different stories woven together, and nothing really happens until the end. These here really hurt the film.Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and a clothed sex scene.
Paul Andrews They Are Among Us is set in the small American town of Point Ridge where your average American teenager Daniel (Michael DiLallo) lives at home with his mum Collette (Anne Apra) & dad Hugh (Bruce Boxleitner) & generally does what the teenage youth of America do. However Daniel's 18th birthday is fast approaching & his parents are acting strangely, they have always guarded a box & Daniel is interested what's inside so along with his mates Harlan (Michael maples) & Devon (Lacey Beeman) he steals the box & has a look inside where he finds some strange feeling paper with some unknown symbols on it. Daniel's parents continue to act odd & he is convinced something is going on, the three friends then meet a woman named Finley (Alison Eastwood) who claims that their town is in fact a colony of aliens who use the skills of crooked plastic surgeon Norbert (Corbin Bernsen) to help them retain a human appearance & that Daniel's mum is in fact one of these aliens. As you would expect the news that his mum is an alien comes as somewhat of a shock but after seeing proof he sets about putting an end to the aliens before they contaminate the whole Earth...Co-produced & directed by Jeffrey Obrow I thought They Are Among Us was average at best. The script by Lars Hauglie takes itself extremely seriously & is badly structured. For the first 45 minutes They Are Among Us tries to be a mystery & build up to the shocking revelation that aliens are among us, unfortunately the narrative is poor & unlike any good mystery there is nothing within that opening 45 minutes to hold your interest to hook you or engage. Sure there's a couple of brief scenes with an alien in them but apart from that I found it both dull & forgettable. While watching They Are Among Us I was thinking that it could be some nightmarish mutant offspring of a cheap rejected episode of The X-Files (1993 - 2002), Invasion of the Body Snatchers (either the 1956 one or the 1978 remake) & Dawson's Creek (1998 - 2003). The character's are poor, the dialogue is poor & there's not one single surprise within the entire film while the ending leaves everything wide open & doesn't really resolve anything. Having said that it's reasonably well paced & might pass 100 odd minutes painlessly enough if your not too demanding. Oh, & one more thing for those that have seen it you'll know what I'm talking about but what the hell happened to the missing friend Langford (Garikayi Mutambirwa)? One minute he seemed vital to the plot & the next poof he's never seen, heard or mentioned again!Director Obrow films like an episode from a TV show which comes as no surprise since it was made-for-TV. The whole thing looks flat, unadventurous & utterly forgettable. The special effects are few & far between, there's basically a couple of aliens & it's just some guy with sharp teeth & funny coloured skin while at the end for some reason that is never really explained there's big alien that appears from nowhere & then just disappears into thin air. Forget about any blood or gore as there isn't any. There's no tension or atmosphere & there's definitely no scares while the main villain is some old geezer with bad hair.Technically They Are Among Us is reasonable, it's quite well made but it's all rather average. The acting wasn't great & I'm sure some of the cast were chosen for their looks rather than their acting skill of which they have little.They Are Among Us is nothing special, it didn't do much for me although at least I watched it to the end with having to use the fast forward button on my remote. Not recommended.
fsck I can't believe how awful this movie turned out to be. I feel magnanimous even referring to it as a "movie". The acting was flat, the editing was terrible and the plot leaves many major questions unanswered. The premise was OK, if unoriginal: a small group of aliens is living in the US and trying to slowly take over humanity. But it goes rapidly downhill from there. How could they convince a "human" to accept an alien as his wife in order to make they alien-human hybrid they require? They show a larval alien but never show what it does. They have a plastic surgeon that can produce perfect looking skin on an industrial scale. They throw in the obligatory huge alien monster with teeth. The ending was almost too painful to watch. I suppose that I'm mostly disappointed that Bruce Boxlietner would have anything to do with this. How could he say to the huge alien monster with teeth, "Get away from him you son of a b*tch" with a straight face? It's a long fall from his Babylon 5 days. Avoid this at all costs.
m.p. I am very tolerant of really bad sci/fi and horror movies - I've been watching them since I was 4 or 5, so I've seen some really bad stuff, but I deal with it. I've even watched a lot of SciFi Channel movies so I know not to expect much - a usually promising movie that has no ending to speak of. Hope springs eternal, I guess - or the triumph of hope over experience, as they say. Unfortunately, this is a dog right from the beginning and I knew it, but like a moth to the flame, I kept thinking something, anything, interesting would happen. It doesn't. All of the actors give a decent performance - given the script, I don't know how they all kept straight faces. It has something to do with collagen-starved worm parasite creatures who are slowly taking over the human race, one body at a time. There's an evil plastic surgeon who collaborates with the enemy by giving them the outward appearance of humans...don't worry, he gets what's coming to him. The slug people themselves don't really know where they came from, they think they might have thumbed a ride on a meteor that landed on earth, but...somehow they know about the members of slug royalty among them - the slug princess has managed to breed with a human being who knows that she's the worm queen and loves her for her self...oh, must I go on? Please, I implore you, do not waste 2 hours of your life watching this...anything would be better...think of the worst, least enjoyable way you can spend two would be better than this.