The Zohar Secret
The Zohar Secret
| 01 January 2017 (USA)
The Zohar Secret Trailers

Max finds himself in possession of an ancient scroll that describes the entire history of humankind from beginning to end. Seeking to use the information for his own gain, Max triggers the mechanism that begins influencing his own life.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ShangLuda Admirable film.
phillipmarc Very well done.. an inspiring and entertaining reminder of everything you already knew to be true.
Guido Mamone I not going to add much more than what was already described by other user. This movie had almost nine stars but it was just a bubble. Don't waste your time, it is a repetitive movie with no good acting, dialogs, etc.If you don't really believe in the bubble stuff, go check the distribution of the votes. At to date, 80% votes are 10/10. It's just impossible, The Shawshank Redemption (#1 in Top 250) has 50%. Its obvious that a bunch of guys took the time to artificially inflate the number of stars. It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last.
katya-leites I will try to write this review with minimum insinuations that might be spoilers so I will intentionally be somewhat abstract… When I first heard about this movie and read the title, I immediately formed certain expectations about what it will be like. This movie is NOTHING like I imagined or expected. It is so rare in our days of "nothing new under the sun" for something to make you feel and think so deeply in unexpected ways. And surprisingly, it is very universal - not didactic or dogmatic in any particular way. What I really value in films is their ability, when the movie is over, to make you continue making new discoveries inside yourself influenced by it as the time passes… I felt exactly that for many days after watching it. It is an existential adventure somewhere very deep inside of you that I cannot even put into words
Alex AZ I don't usually take the time to write reviews, but I felt that after watching this film (twice in a row) I had to share my thoughts with the expectant viewer.In any narrative, the protagonist typically plays the part of some subset of our own qualities - we associate ourselves with the hero, or the damsel, or the outsider - but in this film, the director has decanted the most basic human quality - the desire to live happily - and infused the lead role with its bare essence.If the viewer is able to overcome their own ego and see themselves for who they are, this film imparts the unnerving sensation that you are witnessing yourself on the screen, unable to choose differently even in the face of overwhelming truth. The lead role is me, and it's you.The key to seeing the depth of this film is in looking past the allegory to see the forest for the trees - resisting focus on the mission at hand to see the profound meaning in the choices and the surrounding force steering forward.Outstanding and thoughtful work.