Truth or Dare
Truth or Dare
| 13 September 2013 (USA)
Truth or Dare Trailers

Six college kids find internet stardom when they make "Truth or Dare" videos with a violent twist. It is all fun and games until their number one fan decides he wants to play by his own rules.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
tryniti987 Completely garbage! How many times are you going to ask about sex? It started out pretty good, then just went downhill after the first ten minutes. The acting was really bad for most of the film, a few scenes were believable. Quality for a film made only 5 years ago, was horrible. Usually when the director stars in their own film, it's going to be a bad movie, and this was the exact outcome. If you are squeemish I highly suggest you stay away from this movie.
jorebly This movie was gory but that's not the issue. I should've stopped watching the second the girl was treated like a monster for being trans. When the girl's intestines were ripped out, I had to stop watching. The only good thing about the movie is the pedophile died. I honestly suggest you watch something else other than this sick, twisted movie.
aknuckle-60569 I genuinely enjoyed Truth or Dare quite a bit. Yes, it is not a large budget movie and yes, it's not loaded with giant Hollywood stars but that adds to the charm of this movie for me. It's odd saying that this movie charms me considering some of the things that happen. There is some great and twisted gore that I was impressed with. I thought it was well acted well directed and a great story. Personally, I thought Ryan Kiser was fantastic in this and it solidifies that I am now a fan. Support independent horror and check this one out. I feel that there's more passion and creativity in the independent horror than most mainstream lately. And for the people that are bashing the movie and comparing it to other movies that they love just go watch that movie or better yet go make your own movie. If it wasn't for young directors like Jessica Cameron and many others out there that are amazing we would be stuck with nothing but bad remakes of the movies we all watched as a kid.
goodnerdbadnerd Shocking. Twisted. Gut-wrenching. How do you describe a film that promises all of those things but still manages to horrifically shock you with its twisted, gut-wrenching ways?Truth or Dare is a film that takes a well-established idea: "Psycho holds people hostage and forces them to do bad things" and makes it relevant for the Facebook generation in a disturbingly twisted way. We all know, with the integration of technology in our lives, anyone can become a Youtube sensation. However, putting yourself on the web for all to see is not without dangers, and this film takes that premise to the extreme.The film centers on a group of friends who are Youtube stars due to their fictitious violent games of truth or dare and Russian roulette. The Truth and Dare Devils, as they call themselves, seem like any other group of young friends you would find anywhere, until their number 1 fan gets a hold of them. From the moment he enters the scene, this group of friends are no longer pretending to play the game. He takes The Truth or Dare Devils through a series of truth or dare challenges, each truth more twisted than the last and each dare more gruesome.The success of this movie comes from three places: the cast, the writing, and the directing. The cast does an amazing job with what are some seriously messed up situations. Ryan Kiser does an amazing job as the psycho super fan that shows just how dangerous obsession can be. While I did love the guys in this film, it was the ladies who stole the show. Devanny Pinn, Heather Dorf, and Jessica Cameron were such sympathetic characters that their pain was truly the hardest to watch. The film is co-written by Jonathan Higgins and Jessica Cameron, and the way they own, understand, and craft the characters is epic. They have a clear picture of the story they are telling and don't waste any time with gratuitous horror clichés. As if co-writing and starring in this film was not enough, Ms. Cameron also took the reins as the director. To say she did well for her first time directing is an understatement; it was better than what I've seen from most "seasoned" directors. Ms. Cameron walked a fine line of showing the gore versus letting your imagination fill in the details. This is an often ignored skill - especially in horror films. The balance she achieved allowed you to visually witness the violence while forcing you to imagine it, which results in the film leaving its mark in multiple ways.Truth or Dare is a masterfully crafted film that makes it so you want to avert your eyes while at the same time you can't tear them away. If you are a horror fan, you need to do everything in your power to see this film. If you are not a horror fan, this is a film that should be seen to appreciate how masterfully it was made. But, either way, make no mistake, this film will mess you up! Enjoy!