The White Masai
The White Masai
| 14 September 2005 (USA)
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A girl, Carola, whose vacation in Kenya takes an interesting turn when she becomes infatuated with a Masai. Carola decides to leave her boyfriend to stay with her lover. There, she has to adapt to the Masai's way of life and get used to their food which includes milk mixed with blood. She also has to face her husband's attitude towards women and what he expects from a wife. Nonetheless, Carola is welcomed warmly into the tribe she has chosen to join.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Shalotka Most viewers see this story as an inter-cultural and inter-racial issue and point out what characters could have done instead of what they did. But I saw that this movie tells a lot about relationships in general and you certainly don't have to like the characters to enjoy the story.Carola is annoying in her expectation that everything is always going to be the way she wants it. Also the title "White Massai" is misleading, since this woman does close to nothing to become a part of the Massai community. Even travel journalists sometimes put clay in their hair or sit down with the village women, but Carola was to busy creating her own world there.Lemaian is not only a Samburu warrior, first of all he is a huge male ego walking on two legs. With Carola's stubbornness and impractical ambitions the clash of civilizations was largely the clash of opposite sex and the clash of two egos.As we observe the development of their relationship we are reminded of some important aspects of sex, such as foreplay, female orgasm and cuddling after, to which some men in many cultures may not pay enough attention. Also, thanks to affection in the relationship Lemaian shows that he can be a caring and clever man, it is a beautiful lesson to be learned. Sadly, there are also certain contradictions in this character, he is a respected warrior and goes to town more often than others, yet he seems very naive and weak when confronting men from his family tribe. It is really annoying.But as I said, you don't have to like nor understand the characters to enjoy the movie. It is really well shot and the landscapes are stunning. Still it doesn't reveal that much about Africa as it does about abusive men and compulsive women. They failed not only because of the cultural gap, but mainly because of their egos.
marjorie-25 As a (white) woman who was once involved with an African man, I'm always a bit skeptical of these "Jungle Fever"-like movies. I was very pleased to discover there isn't a huge emphasis on titillation. The director could've easily made it more salacious. Interracial couples are more than just their contrasting skin colours or fodder for the sexual fantasies of others.I wasn't surprised by this woman's difficulties in the small, remote, Kenyan village. One could predict she'd face all those obstacles, and more.I was surprised by how many of the reviews suggest her problems were her "fault" or that there is ANY "reason" for the husband's actions. No matter what the nationality of my various, past boyfriends and current husband, none of them would ever conduct themselves like that towards me (and live to tell about it) (wink), nor would they desire to do so. My African boyfriend was a model of civility and respect for women. Indeed, every man I've been involved with has been the embodiment of the term "integrity". Men who behave in insulting, unjust, much less violent, ways towards women (or anyone, really) aren't worthy of my consideration.It's not that I don't "get" why the dynamics between the two lead characters causes some conflict within the framework of the society in which they live. It's just that, at some point, some things are just right or wrong. Making false accusations, especially against someone you profess to love, is unconscionable. There is no excuse for his behaviour. Comparing his outrageous behaviour to her naiveté is ludicrous! This man, like soooooooooooo many around the world (it seems), is so infantile and weak, he feels he must brutalize a woman to make himself feel better. ...Pathetic.Still, I generally liked Lemalian (Jacky Ido), until he fell from grace. I was surprised by Carola's decision not to adopt more of the local customs, as well as her ultimate decision, at which point the movie ends. I could still see ways the two could work beyond their cultural differences, especially since both had so generously tried to understand the other's point of view.In all honesty, I found the couple's attire differences to be jarring, especially in more urban settings. I fully expected one or the other to start dressing more alike. With the very traditional Masai garb juxtaposed against modern women's clothing, I surprised myself with how much I noticed this contrast, throughout the film.In all, I enjoyed this movie most because it is alleged to be a true story. I think it wouldn't be either as believable or engaging, if it were fictitious. I would recommend it as a video rental for an easy-going Sunday afternoon.
malcotoro I was not going to write since I read the reviews here, but it exceeded all my expectations, so on second thoughts I wanted to say this German film beats all the Hollywood star studded films I have seen of late. I had just casually picked it up in my local rental store, and I was intrigued to know more about Kenya, about the love of a beautiful European girl for the Masai warrior. The stars are great, totally believable. Ms Hoss has the looks of supermodel Lauren Hutton, Nina Hoss is very beautiful, stunningly attractive, the Masai male as portrayed by Jacky Ido, very handsome. The stars give brilliant performances I would say, and I was totally immersed in the story. As a result, I have just ordered the non fiction book for further research into this fascinating tale, the romance against the Kenyan landscape. I loved it, and have watched my rental copy 4 times Comment from Malcolm in Toronto 25th August 2007
kalifake I don't understand why people gave this film such a high rating. Ah OK, I know it's all about romance. Well, i like movies about love and romance. movies which cause that warm feeling around your heart and almost make you cry. But "Die Weisse Massai" is not quite about romance in my opinion. It certainly was intended to be, but what came out is a movie about naivety and ignorance. So instead of a warm feeling around my heart i had to chuckle to myself all the time and couldn't await until the obvious happens.--- Spoilers from here on ---Let me introduce you to the story. A woman from Switzerland comes to Africa for holidays with her boyfriend. They meet an attractive Massai warrior who she falls in love with. After he helps them out of a dangerous situation and the both spend some time with each other she is determined to stay in Africa, follows him to his village and they merry. After the romantic start the obvious problems begin. All of them are based on the culture clash. "He" is a Massai warrior and comes from a society where women count nothing. And "she" is a modern woman who tries to fulfill herself. He realizes that her mentality is different from what he is used to in his area and even allows her to open a shop. Soon he becomes jealous because from his standpoint it looks like she is flirting with her customers (she is looking straight into their eyes and is smiling at them). He accuses her of cheating several times until she can't stand it any more and leaves him.I am aware that some women might admire her because of her "bravery", leaving home for an adventurous life in the bush with a mysterious stranger. For me it's just pure ignorance and naivety. In my eyes this relationship could have even worked if her husband wasn't the only one who makes concessions. There was so much she could have done. Take that driving scene for example where he crashes the car. Why didn't she just try to teach him driving when they were alone, so that he wasn't ashamed of others watching his wife teaching him. Yes this might have been a very difficult task because of his ego, but hey it's a challenge. Or take the jealousy. All she had to do is not to smile at her customers. She could have even try to teach him how to run a business. In the circumcision scene she did as if she never have heard about it before. And what did she expect? That there is a hospital at every corner?All those small things show how naive (err i mean "how much in love") she was when she changed her life. It makes her character look like another ordinary, ignorant white woman from the west coming to the beautiful beaches of the third world to roast herself in the sun.This movie might become interesting from another point of view. You can see it as a metaphor for the problems between the "civilized" west and the developing east/ third world. the west always tries to change the east, but when difficulties arise, the west flees back to his sheltered world leaving the east suffering.
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