The Weathered Underground
The Weathered Underground
| 26 January 2010 (USA)
The Weathered Underground Trailers

A Groundbreaking interactive DVD that plays like a video version of the "Choose Your Own Adventure Books" as the story follows 21 Year old Eric (the character whom the audience makes choices for) as he deals with a skull crunching breakup. Eric is a struggling musician who works a side job and just broke up with the greatest love of his life, the somewhat insane yet adorable Liz (Brea Grant, Heroes, H2). Now you, the viewer, must guide Eric through one insane evening with Criminals, Drugs and Damsels while deciding whether Eric will win back the love of his life or crumble into Moral Decay... His fate is now in your hands... The Weathered Underground allows the viewer via remote control or mouse (online) to control the story ultimately choosing a story of redemption or debauchery. Featuring over 30 different endings and 1,000 choices. The film can be played/viewed for up to four hours, over and over without getting the same plot line!

Wordiezett So much average
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Jesse Burke I just watched the entire four and half hours (I think I saw all the plots!) of various stories and so I feel that I have a better understanding of this picture than some of the reviews I have read both on here and online in general.I can see how people would be polarized over this little indie flick. When you play the instructions, it warns you that the choices that you make will effect the genre and the character. And it is true.As the film allowed me to choose what happens next, I noticed that at first I wanted to play it conservative, as I figured going the "safe" route would be more interesting. I did in fact, get a rather traditional story that hid behind a weird animated style (only about 30 minutes of the disc had this style, btw).Some parts I liked, others I wasn't as into. Then I hit the "back button" and started seeing what happened if I had chosen the other option instead. This is when it threw me for a loop. THE ENTIRE GENRE CHANGED! The writing the style, the acting style, even the visual style.The instructions didn't lie. When I made choices that were selfish, the lead character acted like a total moron. I hated him! I had no empathy for him! I wanted him to die! He turn into a real douche to be honest. And when I made choices that were wiser, he came off as more level headed and charming. I figured out after about an hour and a half that I wasn't just choosing what happened. I was choosing who this guy was. And that's when I started to realize that there was more than meets the eye going on here.The downside is, I didn't like every plot that I chose. Some of them, quite honestly angered me. But others were really smart and funny.I have read young bloggers tromp this as brilliant, which I think is a stretch. I have read old grouchy critics write that this is terrible. Yet the plots that they bring up and mention show that they didn't play through more that a couple times and that they hadn't really figured out what was going on with this.I read one review online that said it was a "moraless film that cheer leads destructive behavior" and another that said the film was "preachy and played like a just say no video". Obviously, they didn't use the back button to see that one choice lead the character to behave like a psycho and the other choice made him get on his moral high horse. Essentially, the lazy viewers missed the joke.You don't have to watch all of the plots to enjoy the movie. After about an hour I found myself pretty much addicted, once I figured out what the filmmakers were actually up to.For example at the beginning (this isn't much of a spoiler) you choose between work and club. If he goes to work, he rambles about how empowered we are in making our own decisions. If he goes to club, he rambles about how we are just a product of our environments and don't choose anything.He justifies every one of the viewers decisions in the same way humans do! It takes awhile to catch onto this, but once you do, it become pretty hilarious to see how the filmmakers are revealing the way humans tend to be able to justify anything they do. Pretty cleaver once you figure out what's happening.I would not go as far to say that The Weathered Underground is a work of genius like some have written. But I will say that it is VERY funny the more you dig in.This is the first I've seen by Donahue (the director) and I have a feeling that he probably will end up turning into a fascinating filmmaker that some may get, and some won't.Don't expect The Weathered Underground to win awards. As a matter of fact, I might expect the opposite from the older and dimmer peeps out there. But do expect, that the kids are going to eat this up.
sammy jones I gave it ten stars simply for it's originality. I could see how some would hate it. As matter of fact, several of us sat around watching and my cousin was so annoyed that he left the room. But I think it was because his girlfriend thought the lead actor was cute. It is somewhat offensive in the way that south park might be to some conservatives. But it's very smart too. You can tell it was made with very little money but it looks so cool and unique that you don't really care. If anything, I thought it was endearing.And sooooooo funny. I couldn't stop playing the thing. Really addictive. I read that it's coming out on ipod and I'll be the first in line damnit.It's not like other pictures, which will probably mean that you will either love it or hate. But let's be honest, what Kubrick film got a good review when it first came out? Very few. Most got trashed. Or Pink Flamingos? Or Araki? These films got trashed by half the people that saw them because they dared to do things that other movies had never done. The Weathered Underground is daring, at times provocative, and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this weird little interactive movie ends up becoming a cult classic. Kudos to the filmmakers. You've done something that I liked. And I generally hate everything.
bpwerks "Fun and entertaining choose-your-own-adventure movie from the writer of "Parzania." I was skeptical about this DVD, and was ultimately surprised by how much fun I had. It's about time somebody did something like this. It's a nightlife adventure, full of unexpected twists and turns. I can imagine having a lot of fun in a group setting, even by myself I was shouting out my choices.The myriad stories all hold together surprisingly well. The controls are all easy to use. I highly recommend The Weathered Undergournd, it's a lot of fun."
bobby dawson Not bad at all. Really funny with some great performances. It has a cool look to it too. So far I've only played once for about an hour and a half and I got to see a lot of different stories. I don't know what would be considered a spoiler on here as there are so many different little short stories I don't know what I'd be giving away but it has lots of action and a very really unexpected heart felt moments. In one plot he ends up falling for a Mormon girl which I would have never expected to be in a film filled with so much chaos. I liked getting to make choices in a movie with live actors. I wasn';t sure if it would be annoying or cool and it turned out to be really cool and funny. However, please, please... When you go to the club, don't pick the blond. Uhg...