The Wait
The Wait
R | 31 January 2014 (USA)
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An enigmatic phone call from a psychic catapults a family into a state of suspended belief while waiting for their recently deceased mother to be resurrected.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Beginthebeguine So...we wander through life until something happens that shatters the illusions that we have created for ourselves. Emma (Chloe Sevigny)the elder sister has been acting as Hospice nurse for their ailing mother, who in the opening of the film has finally died. The younger sister Angela (Jena Malone) has come to aid her sister. Also there are Emma's two children, who have their own subplots. Emma is not ready to let go of her mother and after a real or imagined phone call (you decide) which can be interpreted as saying her mother will soon be resurrected, Emma begins to prepare for the event.The dynamics between the sisters is never really explored in a satisfactory way. We do learn that Emma is married and that Angela had a long-term relationship, that Emma considered toxic, that ended recently. Angela meets a younger man who she begins to develop a crush on. This relationship is also not explored to any satisfactory conclusion. If fact, I can see no reason for these subplots, and to be honest, would have though that the plot should have been less diluted by these meaningless subplots. Oh well, I am sure the writer/Director (M. Bash) know exactly what he was trying to say and as he continues in his career I really hope he gets that chance.The film is pleasant to look at and visually it tells the story better than the plot does. Forest fires, sunlight falling through the forest, a horse being cleaned of the chemicals sprayed on the fire and finally two shocking videos played on the computer. The first of a young girl being hit by a train and a demon face (a la The Exorcist). Life shocks us back from our illusions to the reality of death and suffering. Far too film school in its approach, the director does get technological kudos for his ability to paint a picture that distracts from some serious plot and dialogue issues.
harbhippo This is the first time I have been moved to write a review immediately after seeing a film. "The Wait" is well-titled, because I kept waiting for this thing to get to the point - any point. Other reviewers are seeing artful imagery. I'm seeing self-indulgent clichés. We see film shot out of a car, from the side window, as the scenery flies by too fast to make out. We hear dialog delivered with unneeded, meaningless pauses that seem to be there just to slow things down even more than they already were. We see a tantrum of a phone conversation that makes no sense whatsoever, never explained, and not contributing to the plot, such as it is. Or isn't. Finally, the credits rolled, and I sat there for a moment, wondering what in the world was the point? So there's the spoiler, folks. Nothing. Happens. I can almost hear the makers of this film laughing "made ya look!"
Lee Eisenberg I knew nothing about "The Wait" when I started watching it. Since I knew that it stars Chloë Sevigny, I assumed that I might like it. Boy was I wrong! The movie has NO plot. It claims to be about some young women who keep their mother in the house after she dies, believing that her soul will stay home, but NOTHING happens in the movie. Once again, a movie filmed in Oregon proves to be a complete embarrassment for the Beaver State: "The Postman" and "Men of Honor" are other examples (I never saw either of those but heard that they were terrible). And then there's the musical that they didn't film in Oregon but it takes place in Oregon: "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers". That one has as much to do with Oregon as any Kardashian has to do with talent. When I reviewed in on IMDb, I took the time to mention "Django Unchained", just to trash "7Bf7B".In conclusion, this is especially an embarrassment for Chloë Sevigny since she's appeared on "Portlandia", a realistic representation of the City of Roses. It's also an embarrassment for Michael O'Keefe (of "Caddyshack" fame). I don't know who M. Blash is, but he's going to have a make a REALLY good movie to make up for this.
naq-1 A talented newcomer on the scene has utilized the language of film to demonstrate a sophisticated and engrossing portrait of a family falling into dysfunction, yet struggling to hold themselves together. Unable to deal with the passing of her mother, a young woman named Emma, hears a voice on the phone telling her to wait, "they will return." Of course, this is something that she interprets as a sign that her mother will return from the dead. Why not? It seems perfectly reasonable. Oddly enough, her sister Angela, incredulous at first, reluctantly goes along with the fantasy. That starts the mystery -- why would two such upper class twits allow themselves to believe in this modern fairy tale? Once you buy the concept, and are willing to suspend your disbelief, you become lulled in by the sumptuous images, the endless wandering through the woods, and odd behavior by otherwise normal people. The cinematography is outstanding for a low-budget project such as this, with stunning shots of a wildfire (apparently it was shot sometime during a massive fire in Oregon), and the shots of the planes flying over, dropping long clouds of pinkish fire retardant are strangely beautiful.Chloe Sevigny as Emma performs exactly as expected, she sells the idea wholeheartedly. Jena Malone, as the sister supposedly with her head together, is less believable, but does manage to convey the baffling contrast between someone who doesn't for a moment believe in the idea of resurrection, yet is willing to give in for the sake of keeping her sister happy. She develops an outside interest in a man-boy named Ben, who has a poet's soul, but who cannot seem to penetrate whatever barriers she has constructed (we never find out exactly why).There are a couple of minor subplots, one of which involves a younger brother and one of the other neighbor boys, but it is given short shrift and then tossed on the back burner, which is a shame, since it would have added some much needed interest outside of the two main characters.There is also some professional work done by a young girl named Lana Green, who has a small but dynamic role as Emma's daughter, and should be a leading actress in another 10 years.Overall, a few plot lines get lost, and some of the lines make no sense whatsoever, but the beautiful shots more than make up for the shortcomings.