The Vivero Letter
The Vivero Letter
| 28 October 2000 (USA)
The Vivero Letter Trailers

A man in Central America finds his brother's murdered body. It turns out that his brother has been murdered because he knows the whereabouts of a lost city in the jungle. The man teams up with a search expedition and goes off to hunt for these ancient ruins. Unfortunately, almost every member of the group has plans to double-cross the others. All is resolved in bloody fashion in the middle of the jungle wilderness.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
burndata OK.... Right after the part where the brother is killed and is found after he arrives with the tray... And right after the motorcycle chase episode.... why would the brother choose to go back to his killed brothers house knowing that he was killed there and people are trying to kill him... he easily goes to sleep in his brothers bed. like omg... He leaves the nice girls house where they are safe to go somewhere he might be killed.... still watching the movie.. just had to post this semi rant... on why someone would leave a safe location to goto somewhere dangerous.burndata
Pete Davis Okay, everyone has talked about the bad story line, bad direction, not so great acting. What about all the continuity problems??? Just as a single, and one of the most glaring examples: This group of 7 people are white-water rafting (not too white) down this river. A guy from the shore shoots one of the guys in a raft and he and the other 2 guys fall out of the raft. In the next scene, nobody is even remotely upset about their friend getting shot. In fact, there's no discussion of it whatsoever. They're on the side of the river and Robert Patrick is hitting on Chiara Caselli. Can't blame him, but still... Okay, so then we cut to the next scene. Remember, it was 6 living people and 1 dead last we saw. Now, about 10 or 12 of them are walking through the jungle together? How'd the others get there? Drive? If so, why didn't they all drive instead of white-water raft to this place?This was the most ridiculously stupid movie I've seen in a long time.
ApolloBoy109 I want to know how these kinds of films get money. How does an 'Omega Code' or a 'Vivero Letter' make it beyond the script reading process? Basic writing rules are broken here. The acting including Fred Ward's is pure high school. Now, we all know Robert Patrick is NO ACTOR, but usually he's interesting to watch --- but the writers gave him nothing to say and he ain't that pretty or naked. So why? The worst of it is -- this is suppose to be a tresaure hunt, and as a veiwer half the fun is following the heroes as they go through the steps but there are no steps. What we are given is "No don't blow up the temple. Usually there are keystones that open the door. Let me look. Oh, look, here it is" or my personal favorite, "The symbol is the magician, (we are never shown a close up of the 'tray') so that must mean a river with teeth" Just bad. Purely Bad. Bad. So bad ------------------
moviewiz-4 I've seen this movie on cable tv and thought it will be interesting as "Indiana Jones" series. I was wrong.The story is fine at the beginning and when the final parts are about to come, it changes to a very dull plot with no direction. It seems that Patrick's performance is much more better than the rest because of his acting experience.The leading girl is fine but i can see her looking at the camera instead of looking at the person she supposed to talk to.
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