The Victim
The Victim
R | 06 June 2011 (USA)
The Victim Trailers

Annie's life is in jeopardy after she's witnessed the horrific rape and murder of her closest friend. Fleeing from two attackers she stumbles across Kyle, a recluse living in the middle of the woods. Kyle finds the stillness of the woods comforting. The ruggedly handsome loner stays far from civilization - that is - until a single knock on his door throws his solitary life into chaos.

BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Bribaba Cracking backwoods thriller with a comic undertone from 80s b-movie star Michael Biehm, who also co-wrote the screenplay. The mixture takes some balancing but he gets it just right, while the laidback pace lets the story simmer. The tale itself should not be taken too seriously, although it is inevitably 'based on real events': two strippers go the woods with two cops. The end result is messy. A lot of people seem to have taken the story straight, ignoring accompanying the black humour. Their loss.Biehm the actor has a real presence now, dominating every scene he's in. His grizzled look has added character. Also good is producer/actress Jennifer Blanc, here playing a stripper who jumps out of the frying pan into the furnace.
kosmasp I'm not a big fan of movies like this one, but it's pretty solid for what it represents. It is a surprise that Michael Biehn would do something like this, but he's open about this movie. It's not supposed to be taken seriously in any way. I get it that people were not pleased by it, but I'd hope some reviews wouldn't be so personal. I don't think Jennifer Blanc does a good job in this, but insulting her with foul language is really not a good way to express that.The movie itself is pretty predictable, has some sex, some violence in it and Michael Biehn does also play in his own movie. This was shot quick and as gritty as possible. It's not for film purists and it won't satisfy gore hounds either (most of them anyway). But while ill-advised flashbacks do not add anything to the story, you're wasting your time being angry at a movie, that never pretends to be anything else than it actually is. If this is the worst movie you've seen, you should call yourself lucky or watch more movies. In any way, this curiosity is worth a look, but don't bother watching more than 5-10 minutes, if you feel that it doesn't work for you.
Brian Shirley Michael Biehn not only stars in THE VICTIM but he also made his directorial debut with it plus he write the thing too!The movie follows two girls (Jennifer Blanc-Biehn and Danielle Harris) who get caught up in a bad situation with some bad cops out in the middle of the woods, something bad happens and only one survives. The survivor runs for her life and she comes upon a cabin in the woods, no pun intended. She bangs on the door, crying and screaming and the recluse (Michael Biehn) opens the door and quietly takes her in. She wants to show him where her friend's body is but it's gone and from there things get deep.From there things become twisted as the two bad cops (Denny Kirkwood and Ryan Honey) begin to look for her and yes, everyone's paths meet up in what becomes a showdown of sorts. There are some cool twists to the neat story that eventually unveils itself accompanied by a few fight scenes and a little blood shed along with these cool characters we get to know along the way.Let me say for THE VICTIM to be Biehn's directorial debut he gets it all right! I love the camera shots, the grittiness and grind house feel we get, the cinematography is also done very well. Even though the cast is ultra small they all make a huge impact and have great chemistry with each other, the good guys and gals and the not so good guys! I even like the music/soundtrack to the movie. A couple of the songs are stuck in my head!The cool thing about this is there can actually be more than one "victim" in the movie if you look at it in other ways. The way I look at it but I'm a little warped in my ways of thinking so there you go. I personally counted a total of five! Yeah, you heard me, FIVE! Another bonus is Biehn gives us that trademark "crazy eye" look of his by movie's end. Good guy, bad guy, we still get it and have to interpret what's going on behind those eyes of his!THE VICTIM already holds kind of a special place in my little black heart because I got the opportunity to interview with entire cast just as they wrapped production.Bottom line is, THE VICTIM is everything I thought it would be! A gritty, dirty and sexy little movie that packs a big punch and is a lot of fun to watch! Definitely check this one out when it drops on Tuesday, September 18th.Distributor: Anchor BayRun Time: 83 MinutesRated: RSpecial Features: Good stuff!Audio Commentary with writer/director Michael Biehn and producer/actor Jennifer Blanc-Biehn THE VICTIM Behind The Scenes
Jqn_Hgar OK first off when i criticize a film i do that based on what the movie had to work with.with a budget of only $800 k, three weeks of pre-production and a cast and crew of amateurs. michael biehn who is a veteran actor and one of the most underrated and underused actors of his generation (he could have been one of the greatest action stars of the 80's) exploited what he had to the last dime and drop of sweat using his experience in order to direct the rest of the cast, in fact you can see different biehn roles in the film, eg: the character played by Ryan Honey is Lt. Coffe from the Abyss, resulting in believable performances from the entire cast. Biehn as usual is a scene stealer, he knows how to handle a character, he plays a very calm guy but for some reason you think that there's something wrong about him. the thing that disappointed me in this film is the script, michael biehn should've had hired someone else to do the job, the dialogue was okay. i read in other reviews that it was awful, well i don't think that people come up with funny jokes and phylosophical lines every day in fact i think that in such a situation people actually don't know what to say. on the other side the storyline wasn't effective with flashbacks that add nothing to the story and the character development and finally the pace of the film which i think was too slow for a thriller but the script wasn't all bad there's this thing that keeps you watching even though in the first hour there's nothing going on and that's you don't know who is the Victim.