The Trigger Trio
The Trigger Trio
PG | 18 October 1937 (USA)
The Trigger Trio Trailers

In this western, the Three Mesquiteers must find a killer and his band after they murder an official from the State Agricultural Service who had come to investigate an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease. The killer is fearful that the official would quarantine his entire herd. Unfortunately for the foolish rancher, if the herd is not isolated, all of his cows and those of his neighbors will die anyway. The heroes are assisted by Buck the clever Great Dane.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
bkoganbing The Trigger Trio has as the 3 Mesquiteers Ray Corrigan, Max Terhune, and Ralph Byrd. Once again the Trio does quarrel, but in the end unite to foil the bad guys.Which in this film is a rancher who has a herd with hoof and mouth disease. Cornelius Keefe is threatened with ruin if his herd is destroyed so he changes the brand on the dead cows to that of Robert Warwick. Later on he kills Warwick orphaning both Sammy McKim and Sandra Corday.No orphans ever went unaided by the Mesquiteers. But in this case Corrigan has been appointed a deputy cattle inspector for the duration of the quarantine. That puts him in conflict with Byrd who wants to aid Corday and McKim. Eventually it's all straightened out.A tale told thousands of times over in the old west of Hollywood.
MartinHafer If you've seen the Clark Gable version of "Call of the Wild", then you'll no doubt remember that huge St. Bernard, 'Buck'. Well, it turns out Buck had a bit of a career beyond this one film--and here he is playing himself in "The Trigger Trio". So, as a fan of old films, I was thrilled to once again see him. Plus, in the end it is Buck who saves the day...yee-haw! Unfortunately, Buck is the most interesting character in the film.The film does have a very unusual plot--that's for sure. Apparently, a baddie rancher has found hoof and mouth disease among his herd. Instead of reporting it or killing the cattle, he re-brands them and puts them on another ranch! Ultimately, this jerk is willing to do about anything to hide this disease, as the cure for the disease is to kill all the cows! And, because he's so bad, he's willing to do much more...Apart from a novel plot and Buck, there isn't a lot going for this B-western. It's too low energy and the three Mesquiteers just aren't interesting. Now don't think this means every Mesquiteer movie is dull. This is because the makeup of the three actors varied wildly over the years--with many different actors in the roles (including John Wayne). Some had nice distinct personalities--some did not. This crop didn't.