The Triangle
The Triangle
PG | 13 August 2001 (USA)
The Triangle Trailers

This made-for-TV movie follows a group of friends as they try to find a boat lost for 50 years in the Bermuda Triangle.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Comeuppance Reviews When a guy named Stu (Perry) invites his buddies Tommy (Cortese) and Gus (Hewlett) - as well as his girlfriend Julia (Shannon) - to the Caribbean island of St. Sebastian, he figures it will be fun, sun, and smooth sailing on the high seas. Unfortunately, Stu is strapped for cash, so he can only afford to charter a rusty old tub of a vessel, run by Captain Morgan (Harewood) (groan). Fortunately, a local lady named Charlie (D'Abo) who works as a "First Mate for Hire" is also there to keep things in line. The only problem: sensitive soul that he is, Dan Cortese - er, I mean TOMMY - is having persistent visions and nightmares of a boat-related trauma in the past. There's also some voodoo. Compounding all the supernatural evil is the fact that our shipmates are all in the general vicinity of a Bermuda-based triangle of some sort. Who will escape the trials and tribulations of THE TRIANGLE? Evidently fearing that MTV Sports was stifling his creativity, here, finally, national treasure Dan Cortese boldly steps out in a movie bearing his name. He's top-billed with Luke Perry, their two names and faces acting as the proverbial siren song, drawing video store patrons toward the DVD. Much like the Bermuda Triangle itself, once you're caught in the spell of these two magical Himbos, you can never escape. Director Lewis Teague knows a thing or two about casting - he was the man who cast Jay Leno as an action star in Collision Course (1989). We all remember how Leno shot first and asked questions later, especially as it related to brutally slaughtering Randall "Tex" Cobb's character. So now the casting acumen of Teague shines once more by shrewdly marshaling the services of one Daniel Cortese when he had so many, many other people he could have chosen. Apparently Eric Nies wasn't available.Despite looking like he's not quite comprehending what's going on around him, Cortese here is portraying a lawyer. Like any good attorney, his powers of observation, deduction, and logic come to a head when, after our heroes are plainly neck-deep in supernatural goings-on, he astutely offers, "This place is whacked!". Thank you, Mr. Cortese. Thank you for that. But, in his defense, he does bend metal piping with courage and conviction, and he also has special Cortese-powers of precognition or something. Cortese's presence can't help but remind us all of Short Fuse (1986) and its star, Art Garfunkel.Sharing the screen with Cortese is Luke Perry, who apparently was supposed to go psycho Shining-style, but it happened at the drop of a hat and wasn't set up very well (maybe he was in a rush to get back to West Beverly to attempt to complete his fourteenth year as a high school Junior). The presences of D'Abo and Shannon were welcome, but the whole outing becomes dull and routine and they can't save it. Hewlett is the token "wacky friend", though he does take what may be the first-ever selfie in cinematic history. Pros: the movie is well-lit and you can actually see what's going on. Cons: Marlin-fishing stock footage, green-screen "explosions" and CGI weather. WEATHER! That may be the lowest low since Driven's CGI quarters.Finally, there's a poster in the background of one scene that appears to be advertising for a rapper named President George Bush. Now that's a rap name. Also there's an evil voodoo spirit that we can only guess is named "Bockadoo". At least that's what it sounds like. Now you can see what we're up against here. Rather than getting released to theaters, to DVD, to VHS (they were still doing that in 2001, right?), or to HBO or other services, The Triangle was released direct-to-TBS SuperStation. Even the awesome powers of Luke Perry and Dan Cortese can't rescue the shipwreck that is The Triangle. It should be easy to avoid this slow-moving vessel.
mad_tinus This movie is so bad it almost becomes funny again.. I can't believe how many moderately positive comments this movie is receiving here. If you call yourself a movie fan, how can you keep a straight face when watching this, let alone be amused. Every cliché of 'scary, mysterious movies' is used here.Pretty much everything has already been said in other comments, the Shining rip-off, the lousy acting, the predictability, the (pathetic excuses for) special effects.. I won't repeat everything again. This movie is laughably bad, in every possible way, please take this warning and don't waste your time!
Woodyanders Affable, but broke Stu (winningly played by Luke Perry), his easygoing friend Tommy (the equally solid Dan Cortese), Stu's fetching fiancé Julia Lee (lovely Polly Shannon), and their nerdy pal Gus (an amusingly geeky David Hewlett) go on vacation in Bermuda. They rent a rusty old junker of a boat crewed by scruffy Captain Louis Morgan (excellently played by Dorian Harewood) and spunky first mate Charlie (the delectable Olivia d'Abo) for a fishing expedition. Problems arise when the boat breaks down in the middle of the ocean. Things get worse when our motley bunch stumble across the legendary missing ocean liner the Queen of Scots, board her, and discover much to their dismay that the ship is haunted. Director Lewis Teague maintains a steady pace throughout, stages the shock scenes with reasonable aplomb, and really pulls out the creepy stops in the hair-raising second half of the film. Ric Waite's sharp, agile cinematography, Lawrence Shragge's spooky'n'shuddery score, and the genuinely engaging characters are all likewise up to speed. As an added bonus, both Shannon and d'Abo spend a fair share of their screen time wearing skimpy bikinis. A fun and effective made-for-TV fright feature.
MovieAddict2016 The beginning at least was interesting, but once out at sea the film took a turn for the worst, here's why: ACTING: Horrible, save a few small parts (isn't that how it always is?) DIRECTION: It's all crazy, and we wonder "what WAS the director trying to show?" But you learn you can't figure it out when the camera is swinging around half the time. PLOT: The plot itself could have been made interesting, but what the end all result/theory was is just plain stupid. The last half hour is all so boring and predictable. And what about the cgi on the boat at the end? FLAWS: Too many to mention. Nothing the character(s) did was realistic, and of course this is usually the case with these kind of thrillers/horrors. But THE TRIANGLE was so ridiculous and not fun that I can not put aside the flaws for the fun of the film's sake-because there is no fun involved in this mishap of a "film!" If you like really dumb, unintelligent, stupid, boring, ridiculous film, by all means, the triangle is made for you! 1/5 stars- JOHN ULMER.