The Triangle
The Triangle
NR | 05 December 2005 (USA)
The Triangle Trailers

A group of people haunted by their experiences within the Bermuda Triangle band together to confront its truths.

GazerRise Fantastic!
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
slayerjmk95 In 2005, the Syfy channel (when it was still the Scifi Channel) released a 3-part mini-series that told a story about the Bermuda Triangle, and how something that has been happening there is now affecting everything else, leading to an epic conclusion that will determine the fate of the planet.Brought to us by Dean Devlin, Bryan Singer and Rockne S. O'Bannon, The Triangle stars Eric Stoltz, Bruce Davidson, Michael E. Rodgers and Catherine Bell as a group of researchers (and one skeptical reporter) who are hired by Eric Benerall (played by Sam Neil) to find out why the Triangle is the way it is, basically. Through a series of events and happenings, the group and one sole survivor of a Triangle-experience (Lou Diamond Phillips) must race to find the answer behind the world's greatest mystery. The writing and acting are both superb, top-notch and fantastic. Lou Diamond Phillips is the best out of the main six, adding a sense of paranoia and grief to the story. The visual effects lack in a few areas, but overall are phenomenal, especially in a scene where an entire bridge disappears while three of the characters are driving on it. The music by Joseph LoDuca is some of the best music i've ever heard; a mix of Harry Gregson-Williams, Jason Graves (Dead Space), and Hans Zimmer.Overall, The Triangle is one of the best TV phenomenons to ever occur, and should be hailed as a classic; stunning, breath-taking and thrilling all the way through. A mix of non-stop questions, clever script writing, and a constant sense of urgency fill this piece of cinema which already has everything it needs to be great. Although, it's not for everyone (straight-up science fiction story) 9.5/10 Stars***
Claudio Carvalho While chasing a whaler, the Greenpeace boat sinks with the vessel, pulled by a mysterious force underwater and only Meeno Paloma (Lou Diamond Phillip) survives. Meanwhile, after the disappearance of six ships in the Bermuda Triangle in one year, the millionaire owner of the Mineral Shipping Lines Eric Benerall (Sam Neill) hires the skeptical journalist of The Observer Howard Thomas (Eric Stoltz); the scientist Bruce Geller (Michael Rodgers); the offshore engineer Emily Patterson (Catherine Bell) and the psychic Stan Lathem (Bruce Davison) to investigate the reasons for the phenomenon in the area. If the team succeeds in their quest for the truth, each one would receive five million dollars. They find a high-tech underwater facility from the Navy, and each one of them has glimpses of alternative reality after their discovery. They conclude that the experiment conducted by the Navy is affecting the electromagnetic balance of the ocean, while trying to find a way to close the dimensional tear opened by the Philadelphia Experiment. But they believe that the procedure actually will open the Pandora Box and destroy the world."The Triangle" is an intriguing an entertaining story that recalls "Sliders" in some moments. The characters are well developed but unfortunately the resolution of the plot is disappointing and confused. When the group reaches the base, in the climax of the story, it is very disappointing what happens next. The DVD released in Brazil has only 160 minutes running time, therefore 80 minutes vanished in the edition, and this might be the cause of my frustration with the messy end of the story. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "O Mistério do Triângulo das Bermudas" ("The Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle")
shanwenbo1986 Personal like science fiction film very much . i'm interested in mysterious thing particularly. This slice give person of the first impression have a lot of professional words,Three coda feelings of the film end have no surprised and pleased , Total to say still quite good of . Seeing this film through, feeling seem world is really such of, getting up every in the morning, all having already grown a matter to have ever acquaint with of the felling feel seem to experience this day.Personal evaluation :A quite good film, know nothing about a wave to take a lot of time .
chrispelyk Yesterday I saw a movie The Triangle it had some great actors in it and on the cover it said from the producers of XMen OK so what were the directors as well as the actors thinking or should I say smoking? This had to be the worst movie every made, it jumped all over the place huge holes and I mean Grand Canyon side holes in the story line, completely awful acting and just the dumbest story you could ever imagine. Sleep Away Camp 2 use to be my worst movie of all time, but it got knocked down a peg as this movie was just awful. I am guessing the script was written every day before the shoot.I honestly can not see how the movie reviewers said it was good Scott Weinberg, DVDTALK.COM and Staci Layne Wilson, ABOUT.COM both gave it positive reviews so my advice never listen to anything those two meat heads say ever again.The best part of the movie is in the extra's when the cast tells me how good the movie is and how much fun it was to make and how the story was very gripping, I guessing they were acting in another movie. Basically I have lost respect for those actors, have the guts to say the movie sucked or don't say anything at all. What a piece of JUNK.