The Treasure
The Treasure
NR | 08 January 2016 (USA)
The Treasure Trailers

Costi is a family man whose cash-strapped neighbor makes him an intriguing proposition: help him find the fortune reportedly buried somewhere on the grounds of his family’s country home in Romania and split the profits.

Lawbolisted Powerful
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Reno Rangan Who doesn't like treasure hunt films. They are always exciting with surprises. See this film poster, and the title is just perfect. That's what I expected, like if not another 'Indiana Jones', then 'National Treasure'. I was disappointed with that perspective. But realised it was unique with the most realistic approach. I've seen plenty of same themed films, but this one stood out to be one of the rare kind. This film is not fun as the others, but surely makes sense of what real treasure hunt means. Though the film did not take the complicated route to narrate the tale. Just a simple, small film.A man from a little middle-class family living in an apartment is approached by his neighbour guy who financially broke. All he wanted was some cash, so that he could go and look for treasure that his dying grandfather told him about. Now these two join hands for the unusual quest. They had to make all the pre-arrangement before jumping into it. Like hiring a metal detector and making it a weekend event for not clashing with their routines. So finally the most expected venture begins and how it all turns out are told with some fun filled tense climax.This is a very slow film. Particularly those treasure hunt sequences became even slower than what one would expect out of it. Probably a film for matured audience. It is considered as a black comedy and yes, that's how everything unfolded. Though not all black comedies are same. I mean not everybody understands clearly why it is called that.In my instance, I expected something else, but got another thing. In the end, I really enjoyed it. The initial story was unbelievable. I mean, if somebody approached me with a theory like that, not just me, most of the people won't easily want to be a part of it. Not because it is illegal, but does not make sense or gives enough reason to take part. It has to be convinced thoroughly.❝We've all got problems. You've got problems. I've got problems. A man makes his own problems. They don't descend from heaven.❞The little Robin Hood story at the opening was relevant to how the film has ended. That character called Costi was an ideal man for a typical world. His belief to be a good person in the society, definitely gives the right message. But I did not think he would go for such a quest. That's the first twist. Then following that, seeing his desperate to succeed, more than the man who took him in, it kind of made fun, like of course black comedy. Especially during the hunt, the verbal fight between two out of three set a perfect tone for the rest of the tale.Definitely not a predictable storyline. That's what kept my eyes open, despite frequent drops in the pace of the narration. I liked the dialogues, especially about the some of the technical terms. Like about metal detector, and the brief history about the Romanian communist era, including the Dos and Don'ts, what the law says about the treasures that has found. It was not like you take all the needed tools and the adventure begins. It excellently highlighted that the treasure hunt is not like one you have seen in the films.Finally, regarding the treasure, it comes in many forms. How this film sorted out that part was really cool. That's indeed a well written screenplay. It's not impossible to see such a film in Hollywood, but they won't make money, that's the difference. That is the reason why small film industries around the world shines with such little gems. This is the reason I want to explore the world cinema.When it comes to the development, in some of the parts, the film was not that logical. That's how it has to go, so it became what it is. As I said the end was really cool. I meant the post quest end. It had ended bringing a little smile on my face. Nice performances. The writer, director is the first to be appreciated. I haven't seen many Romanian films, but from those I've seen never disappointed, and so this one, a very satisfying film. My little advise is for those who wants to see it is expect it to be a drama than an action-adventure- thriller. Patience is another thing it required. Probably you would like it after watched it than while watching. But overall a worthy film.7.5/10
MariusRO2016 If you decide to invest two hours of your life, thinking that you have hit the jackpot, and you will see a great movie, with a taste of Eastern European within, you will be more than disappointed. There is no credible or smart script. As a result, the actors are simply not playing well, as they do not seem to enter under the skin of any of the characters described by such script. In addition, the directing is just wrong, as you cannot expect your viewers to accept a script completely empty of ideas, and a poor performance, as a good basis for your film. However, if you want to see a text-book movie with poor script, acting and/or directing, that's the one for you.
Rendanlovell 'The Treasure' is a bit of an odd duck. The film is about a man that is approached by his neighbor to help him dig up some theoretical treasure in his town yard. But things aren't so simple. Both of these men are rather poor and can barely afford to pay for a metal detector. This is one of those films that is a very unique experience. While it's certainly something that I haven't seen before, it's unfortunately one that I don't think I will ever revisit. The main reason for this is because the films plot is extraordinarily thin. The brief plot summary I mentioned at the beginning is really the only thing that this is about. They want to find treasure than they go digging.Oddly enough this lack of substance seemed almost intentional. The whole point of the movie was to be as natural as possible. I will say that the characters and performances do dish out some very dry humor this way though. In fact the humor is so dry it can be easily missed. Especially when there isn't all that much of it.Although my main gripe with this film is in it's story, it can still be oddly enchanting. I think this has a direct correlation with humans love of money. Or, I mean, treasure. I think anyone can relate to the desire to find loot. So when we see a guy rooming around with a metal detector for over fifteen minutes of screen time it's not as bland as it could have been. ​ But, it's still pretty bland. I mean there's only so much of this nothing that one can reasonably take. I enjoy watching movies that replicate life itself but this one isn't that kind of movie. It's so paper thin, in fact, that watching it felt more like reading an essay. Character 1 goes into house while character 2 sits with character 3. Character 2 and 3 get into argument. Character 1 intervenes. And so on.While I obviously understand the dryness that the movie is going for, it's just oh so dry. Again, there is literally fifteen minutes of this film that involves these three characters pacing around a yard. Doing nothing but metal detecting. After that we get about twenty more minutes of nothing but digging. A few of the people argue between this but other than that, there is nothing to this. The characters are half decent and can provide some stimulation yet, they aren't good enough to make you really think about anything. The only really great part of this movie is in the visuals. It may not have many dynamic shots but they are all well composed and utilize long takes to highlight the simple feel of the film.I certainly appreciate the purpose behind many of the decisions made, I just can't get past this movies lack of substance. It's so bland and dry that even when it's trying to simulate life itself, it's hard to relate too. I found myself more interested in the palms of hands than what I was seeing on screen. Great visuals and decent direction can only go so far, so by the thirty minute mark I was totally checked out.
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Cinematic comedies always face a challenge of the wide variances found in the senses of humor of movie goers. Taking a wry comedy approach narrows the market a bit more, and finally, tying in cultural and historical aspects specific to Romania risks leaving an audience of only the staunchest film festival attendees. Writer/director Corneliu Porumboui (12:08 East of Bucharest) sticks to his creative vision, never once catering to the masses.Costi (Toma Cuzin) is reading "Robin Hood" to his young son when a knock on the door leads to a conversation with his neighbor Adrian (Adrian Purcanescu). In most movies, theirs would be described as an awkward conversation, but in this world, awkward is normal, so the description doesn't really fit. However, the Robin Hood story acts a structure to the film, and especially to the actions and thought process of Costi, who fancies himself as a real life Robin Hood, even if it's possibly only to impress his bullied-at-school son.Adrian's pitch to Costi is meant to raise the 800 Euros necessary to hire a professional metal detector in hopes of finding the treasure buried by Adrian's great-grandfather during WWII. The stage is set for what looks to be the proverbial wild goose chase of an urban legend, but this partnership results in the introduction of Corneliu Cozmei, a real life metal detector professional. The conversation between these three during the dig is at times harsh and lacking any pleasantries … sometimes laden with accusations … and often tying in Romanian history from revolutions to wars and Communist control. It's here you're your particular sense of humor will either be rewarded or not. Viewers are treated to the somehow entertaining extended sequence of 3 men digging a hole whilst lighted by car headlights and accompanied by the beeping of the (flawed?) metal detector.The wry, deadpan comedy is often as uncomfortable as it is funny, and much of the negativity is directed at the bureaucracy of modern day Romania (and human nature in general), including the ridiculous "cultural heritage" fees of any found treasure. This leads to an offbeat scene at the local police station – again, either wry or boring, depending on you. If the viewers have trouble connecting with the characters or the dialogue, perhaps the closing song "Life is Life" (in a guttural performance from Lailbach) will prove to be the best explanation of what was just seen. Most of us can't name another Romanian comedy … and depending on taste, some will question whether this one qualifies, while others will be googling for more.