The Touch
The Touch
| 01 August 2002 (USA)
The Touch Trailers

A sister and brother, the last heirs of a family of acrobats, are called upon by a Buddhist monk sect to retrieve an artifact that their ancestors have protected throughout the ages.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
iBookThere4IM I had a crush on Michelle Yeoh, I am still a big fan and tries to catch every film that she's in. And with high hopes going in watching this movie, I poised myself for a big let down. Even with gorgeous locations and good castings, this movie always just teetered on developing a good story but did not carry through. Actions and fights were almost actions but not quite. It just everything were "almosts." And one thing about CGs: you can't do CGs on the cheap! It looks cheesy, and any kind of "suspension of disbelief" up to that point goes right down the drain. At the end of the day, it was "almost" an action drama, almost a movie.
Juni78ukr I have seen the Touch a few hours ago. I don't know why I wasted nearly 100 minutes of my life to watch this disappointment. Sorry but it is just another predictable and forgettable lame eastern action/adventure/martial arts film. The story is weak, acting is terribly bad (or maybe this movie is without acting at all) even for such kind of movies while dialogs look extremely silly and cheesy. Even special effects and fight scenes were ridiculous and hardly watchable. I really liked Crouching Tiger and Hero but The Touch stands too far from them. Obviously it is not the worst movie ever but I can't recommend it for watching even for free. Watch above mentioned movies or other acclaimed martial marts movies but avoid The Touch.3,7 of 10
caipirina7 Over the last 2 days I managed to waste 103 minutes of my life watching The Touch, Michelle Yeoh's movie after Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.While ambitious in many ways, it does not really succeed in any category:spoilers ahead-It tries hard to cater to both, western and asian audiences and fails miserably: The bad guy is your stereotypical blonde caucasian with some semi british accent, surrounded by dumb henchmen (mixed crowd) ... his motivations (going after some artifact) are never explained, though "immortality" is mentioned once-the "love story" (to please the chick audience) is laughable and has no credibility. It is also an utter waste of time.-the action is wanna-be up to date and totally destroyed in the final fight scene, which is, while setup quite nicely with lots of candles and fire, overshadowed by campy CGI effects, a set that looks just like a big soundstage, a totally wasted "sacrifice" (they let a cute female character we never even started to feel anything for die, last minute, no real reason, just so the audience can say "Awwwwwwww") and again, we just keep wondering WHY the characters are doing what they are doing ... -Hmm. Nice landscape shots, always a good idea ... especially when you havesomething as beautiful as the chinese desert .. looks a bit like a cheap version on Monument Valley :) Those shots are again totally wasted, don't do anything for story or setup .. and scream "it could have been better!-Why there is this family of acrobats and what is their point is never really used / explained. Or why they take in that western kid, who just stole stuff. (Why is this kid there anyway?)-The very set-up comedic moments make you squirm. Bad bad writing! -Acting ... was anybody actually "acting" in this? Felt more like line-reading my martial artists ... then again, I doubt that movie was ever going for any Oscars.Well .. i could go on .. but I already spent enough time on that chunk of doodoo ... just wanted to safe everybody else some time ...
jhs39 Expensive looking but bloated and dull martial arts fantasy. Film was shot in English with Anglo villains and an Anglo lead, obviously with a hope towards international success. Unfortunately after a strong start the film has a very saggy middle, turning into a second rate Raiders of the Lost Ark wannabe. Many of the fight scenes and effects are also far too digitized, making the film look about as real as a video game. A huge waste of talent and time.