The Tin Man
The Tin Man
| 30 March 1935 (USA)
The Tin Man Trailers

Thelma and Patsy find themselves in a spooky house inhabited by a nut who is a mechanical genius and has made a robot who does everything. The inventor manipulates the robot's control board from a hidden room. The girls are soon in a panic. Patsy gets into an argument with the robot and loses the match of wits. Blackie Burke, an escaped convict, is using the house as a hideout, and this adds to the problems the girls already have.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
MartinHafer Patsy and Thelma have an escaped prisoner hiding in their car but don't know it. The arrive at the home of an insane man (Clarence Wilson) and he decides to scare them with his bizarro robot man. There really isn't a lot more to the plot than this.This is a terrible little short film...just terrible. While I have never been much of a fan of the Patsy Kelly/Thelma Todd shorts, this one is without a doubt the dopiest one I've ever seen. It's shrill, nonsensical and a bit embarrassing to watch. It appears as if there wasn't much in the way of script and the film gives neither Kelly nor Todd much to do but stand around and watch stupid things happen all around them. The ONLY thing I liked in the film was seeing the skeletal Clarence Wilson overact--and that really didn't account for much.
utgard14 Fun short starring Patsy Kelly and Thelma Todd has the two girls wandering into a spooky house and meeting a goofy-looking robot created by a mad scientist. Oh and there's an escaped convict thrown in for good measure. I can't say I laughed much at the star duo's antics but I did laugh at the robot and the wacky scientist. I enjoyed the old dark house and classic old sci-fi elements; the mechanical gizmos and whatnots. I also liked all the stuff with the car because, well, I just like those little slices of history I guess. The overall production is nice for the period. This is my first Patsy & Thelma short, although I'm familiar with the both of them from their other work. I enjoyed it for what it is but I won't be rushing out to find some more of their shorts. Still, there are worse ways to spend fifteen minutes.
gridoon2018 Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly really hit the jackpot this time, as they find themselves against an old dark house with secret panels and stuff, a (very) mad scientist, a malfunctioning robot, AND a dangerous escaped criminal! And all of this take place, you guessed it, in a dark and stormy night. For some reason, I found "The Tin Man" possibly the funniest of the Todd-Kelly shorts I've seen so far, especially when Kelly is making disgusted faces at having to drink a little "refreshment", and at the end when the robot (who IMDb reveals was played by an experienced stuntman) goes bat$#it-crazy and starts chasing everyone around. This is also one of their shortest shorts (at only 15 minutes), I think it should have run a little longer. **1/2 out of 4.
Michael_Elliott Tin Man, The (1935) ** 1/2 (out of 4) MGM short has Thelma Todd and Patsy Kelly stopping at an old dark house where they run into a mad scientist and his robot. This is one of the better Todd and Kelly shorts I've seen but the real star here is the robot. Both the girls are in fine form but the screenplay really doesn't allow for them to do too much. You get a few of their typical falling down scenes but most of the jokes are written around the robot. The robot, clearly played by a man with a mask on, adds some really good laughs including the ending where the electrical equipment goes nuts and sends him into a rage. Another good joke involves the girls trying to open a window only to find several more.