The Terrible Two
The Terrible Two
| 06 March 2018 (USA)
The Terrible Two Trailers

Albert and Rose Poe bought their dream house seven years ago in Greenfield, NC. They had no idea of the unspeakable horrors that took place in the house before they moved in. If they had known, then their children, Addi and Jade would still be alive. Instead the Poes now find themselves imprisoned in the house they thought was their safe place, and battling their two daughters for survival.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
joanne-rollason I go to an amature theatre school and i can act better than this. Absolute garbage!! The two main cast can't act for toffee! They're emotionless and sound like they're just reading off a script. Nothing worthwhile is happening. They're putting lights on in daylight for goodness sake!! Whoever the scriptwriter was nust have been off their head on drugs and alcohol. Seriously you all need to get a job in a supermarket. Hopeless.
Michael Ledo Albert (Reid Doyle) and expecting Rose (Cari Moskow) move into a house. Then suddenly seven years later Rose is grieving over the loss of her two daughters. Rose becomes possessed by a voice distorter and cloudy contact lenses. Turns out it is Legion again. Very boring film. Tough one to sit through. The actors lacked charisma. Red Box owes me $1.85 for this one. Almost worth a hacker's punch. Nebula? Seriously? Guide: No swearing, sex, or nudity.
gs-28062 The story line was bad just like the actors in the movie. The only good part in the movie was when the dad was listening to the audio and his eyes popped out, it had me laughing. This movie should be found under comedy not horror. Waste of time. The title picture was more scary then the movie.
tdrish Is it the kids, or the parents? The Terrible Twos is raking in ( ahem) terrible ratings as of right now. Myself, I did not think it was that bad. Currently, it's at 2.4, which would certainly put it in the terrible twos catagory. I don't know what you will be expecting watching this, but it's probably exactly what you are expecting to see. Strange things happen, it seems to take forever before anything is explained. For me, I did not mind this, it added a little mystery to the mix, and weather this was intentional or not, I think it worked pretty well. The story is straight and to the point: A young couple move into their dream home, with a child along the way. We suddenly flash forward to seven years in the future, and we still have a childless couple. It seems they've had two girls, but they died the same day in an accident. We won't know until much, much later, what caused the accident, or what the accident even was. A discovery in the attic made by Rose Poe, the mother of the two girls, is made all too late....they soon learn that the house was built by a man who was dogged by evil spirits, and there was no easy way out on how to get rid of them. ( The real estate agent makes a great cover up to sell the house anyway. That's a real estate agent for you!) The Terrible Twos is not a family fun movie, although the violence and profanity is kept to a bare minimum. I thought it was an okay thriller to watch in the late afternoon, when your all caught up with your chores. Was it worth the Prime Video price? Hey, I've bought worse. Disregard the low rating, and give it a try. I don't know much about Orange Street Films, I think this is the first film I've watched by them, but for the low budget, and what they had to work with, I thought this was worth a watch. Just a light warning, the girls masks are creepy as all hell.