The Street Fighter's Last Revenge
The Street Fighter's Last Revenge
| 22 November 1974 (USA)
The Street Fighter's Last Revenge Trailers

Terry Sugury is hired to recover one of two tapes containing a formula for making heroin for a price of 200 dollars a pound. But he gets double crossed. So he wants the tape back.

PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
HaemovoreRex Well to be fair, matters do at least get off to a cracking start in this, the final chapter in this infamous series of flicks. Sadly however, it has to be said that what follows is tedious at best and moronic at worst.Fans of the violent excesses that these flicks are most notorious for will be in for a major disappointment here as the said scenes have been well nigh omitted entirely with our hero (the incomparable Sonny Chiba) adopting more of a subtle approach to matters. In fact, our protagonist is now shown adopting multiple disguises in order to accomplice his nefarious ends (a far cry from his head on brutality as displayed in the first two films!)Easily the least of the series, there's really very little to recommend here other than the rather cool final fight between Chiba and his nemesis (in other words just fast forward to the end)Overall then, this proves to be a somewhat sad way to end the series. Oh well, one can always re-watch the first two over again I suppose…..
Space_Mafune Takuma Tsurugi (Sonny Chiba) (AKA: The Street Fighter"), rather like James Bond, is an assassin for hire, a man who is a master of disguise and the martial arts but don't cross or betray him because if you do, you will pay and pay dearly. He, again rather like James Bond, has a weakness for playing with dangerous women, particularly the most ruthless and cutthroat. Here the villains, who have hired Tsurugi to get two tape cassette recordings that when played in unison provide a formula for creating synthetic heroin potentially worth a fortune in the wrong hands, make that most fatal mistake of crossing Tsurugi. And now they will pay! This moves at a brisk pace, is exciting and action-packed, and feels like a much darker take on a James Bond type of film. It's not really all that much like the previous "Street Fighter" fare at all but it is fun if you're willing to forgive that fact. The only problem I had with the film was all the betrayals and double-dealings became confusing after a time and I was surprised Tsurugi allowed himself to be put into a position where he could be betrayed by the lead villains on more than one occasion. Also Tsurugi is hardly an heroic male lead, in fact he's every bit as ruthless and unrelenting, if not even more so, that this story's villains. Still the good in terms of entertainment value here I feel far outweighs the bad.
mister_pig Wow, what can I say about SFLR? It is one of the greatest karate-action flicks ever to grace the screen. For my money, you just can't beat Sonny Chiba. He can act, and he can also do some extremely impressive karate!Something I really like about this series of movies, is the fact that Terry (The Street Fighter) isn't really a 'good guy' per se. He is just the main character. He is only out for himself and is extremely ruthless. I just love the way the character is written. You won't find a movie in this genre that is more entertaining.If you've never seen SFLR and you like this genre, do yourself a favor and get it now!10 out of 10
JackieGoodtimes Look, if you want a serious kung-fu, kickass movie... this may not be it. But for what it's worth... this movie has more unintentionally funny one liners than many kung-fu movies I've seen.If you enjoy making fun of movies as you watch them, and have a nicely packed bowl, this film makes for a fun Saturday night.