The Squeeze
The Squeeze
PG-13 | 17 April 2015 (USA)
The Squeeze Trailers

A humble young man with uncommon skills from a small southern town gets caught up in high stakes golf matches between big-time gamblers until the game becomes life and death.

Micitype Pretty Good
Micransix Crappy film
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
peripatitis-33392 was a nice film. The Hustler was even better which makes you wonder.. What are the chances the writer/director of this film never saw either?? I mean honestly, i would have some difficulty putting my name under a story like that and i do wonder how this guy did. Now as for the rest..lets just say the guy is no Scorsese and mcDonald ain't no Paul Newman either...
Mia Gdowska BMus Hons BRILL MOVIE. well as I am huge Golf fan and follower of Tiger Woods I loved, loved this movie especially the beginning. Spoiler: When the three chipping the ball across the town. That scene reminded me of Mr Bean's ''Tee Off'' episode. I love Chris MacDonald aka Goose in Grease 2. The ending of the movie was strange but made sense. Sorry no spoilers. Happy Gilmore was funnier though IMO. I thought Augie was cute too smiley face! I rate my movies fairly and in this case I rated it 9/10. The missing one per cent was the Ending! OK the movie was ''predictable'' but carried it off with light comedic moments. A must see for golf fans/players alike.
A H Horrible actors, script, and film..... Painful to watch. It is sad that people like that are involved in film I have nothing good to say about the film this site requires ten lines of text it is not possible to say a lot about the film other than it sucks it's horrible actors like that should be banned from film. They want a person to give ten lines about how bad this film was. The other posts that say it was good are lies, and they did not watch it. I wish I could forget I had ever started to watch this film and I am sickened by the horrible story line the actors, every bit of the film. Burn this film, no one should ever have to see such a horrible production
Tony Heck "You win your dead, you lose your dead. How's it feel to be caught in the squeeze?" Augie (Sumpter) is a local kid who has a passion and talent for golf. After winning a local tournament he is approached by a man named Riverboat (McDonald) with a life changing offer. What starts off as a fun and easy way to make money changes when he becomes involved in a bet where there is no way out. This is a movie that I thought could go either way, really good or slow and boring. Luckily it was the former. I really enjoyed this and have to say that the golfing was incredible. The actors, for the most part, did all the golfing themselves which really helped the believe- ability of what was happening. The movie really hugged the line of a gambling movie that has been done over and over and trying to remain new and fresh, for the most part it pulled it off. This movie will not win any awards but I really enjoyed this and it is the type of movie you can watch a few times. Overall, entertaining and enjoyable with enough new ideas to make it seem fresh. I give this a high B.