The Son of Tarzan
The Son of Tarzan
NR | 30 April 1920 (USA)
The Son of Tarzan Trailers

Tarzan's son Jack is kidnapped from England by his old enemy Paulovich. Jack escapes into the African jungle where he meets Meriem, a European girl held captive. Freeing her, he falls in love but she's sought by Paulovich. Then Tarzan arrives with Jane to save the day!

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Wordiezett So much average
Micitype Pretty Good
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
DPEversole A complete print of this serial, containing one of filmdom's most persistent urban legends, is now available, though a bit ragged in spots (missing frames, "sprocket jitters," etc. My copy is missing most of the musical soundtrack as well). I recommend it to the Tarzan fan, casual and completist, and to any silent movie fan. As has been noted on many occasions, P. Dempsey Tabler is quite woefully miscast as Tarzan (here known in the civilized world as Lord Greystone instead of Greystoke); fortunately he remains in England until near the end, allowing Kamuela Searle to enthusiastically carry the bulk of the picture as Jack Clayton, aka Korak ("Killer" in the language of Burroughs' Apes). Manilla Martan, as Meriem, Korak's damsel in constant distress, is also well-cast, and in those pre-Hayes Code days, gets away with a bit of nude bathing.Most will see this serial having heard of Searle's death following the infamous elephant rescue. This has been debunked by Burroughs enthusiasts, who quote a letter from Searle's brother to "The Burroughs Bulletin," stating that though badly injured when the elephant slammed him to the ground still tied to a pole, Kamuela recovered, but died in 1924 of cancer.