The Skateboard Kid II
The Skateboard Kid II
PG | 01 January 1995 (USA)
The Skateboard Kid II Trailers

Take a roller coaster ride full of high octane adventure as 12 year old Sammy takes to the skies. With the help of a magical flying skateboard, Sammy ends up the hottest skateboarder in town. But a group of local thrashers don't like the extra competition. They plot to destroy any chance of Sammy competing against them in a local tournament. But they don't have a clue of what they're up against.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
smcke a fun movie great for the family but with some really rad skate scenes actually kinda exciting to watch so weird it was good the special effects were pretty shoddy but wat can u expect its a kids movie i actually was beginning to hate the main antagonist & was rooting for sammy you can tell that the vert scenes are obvously done by a more expirenced skater,any way give it a watch but id recommend renting it first that way you wont be wasting any money,still in my opinion it was agreat movie but this is coming from a kid the same age as the character reminds me of when i first went to a skate park a bad experience
commiered After seeing the first skateboard kid, which was abominable, I bought this movie. First off, it was almost the exact same plot as the first skateboard kid, but had no connection to the first and the acting was even worse. Everything from the music to the special effects shots sucked and I found myself having to use mind altering substances just to tolerate this worthless piece of celluloid. At least in the first one the "Skateboard Kid" actually knew how to skateboard. In this film, the kid only can skate with the guidance of his board. Other than that, he never had skated in his life. This movie should be banned all across the world and all the actors shunned from Hollywood. Please don't ever buy or rent this film.
Pepper Anne It's a kid's movie I know. So if it's corny and junk like that, I shouldn't get all fussy about it 'cause it's just meant to entertain some kids, right? I think that even for little kids, this movie is far too cheesy.The Skateboard Kid is this little kid who sends away for a skateboard. It turns out to be a magic skateboard, one that let's him fly. He's able to show up the neighborhood gang of skating big shots--kids who are just a little older than him. The skateboard let's him do things that he couldn't do by himself. So, even though he is a novice, he is able to accomplish things that only the pro's could do. This leads to an opportunity to compete. And, if you know corny kids movie, you know that even though some magic or some kind of special mentor helped him to get to one point, it would be up to him to get the rest of the way. Except, that might be plausible if the kid was actually doing tricks that would seem fitting for his expertise, even if it was a little m more than you would assume could be done. Here, in this balogna movie, this kid starts out on some homemade stick and attempt to jump a quarter pipe launch ramp. Some people can't even balance themselves on a regular board, nevermind a piece of chopped up lumber with no kicktails. Then, when he gets the magic board, Stardust, it allows him to do pro-material, tearing up half-pipes and everything. And, at the end, when the Stardust board doesn't work anymore, and he's back to a regular board, he doesn't just have confidence to skate well in front of the older, more aggressive kids. No way, now he can skate just like a pro. Maybe the movie should've been entitled--how to skate like a pro without ever really trying. It's hard to fish out that building-character premise that is so cliche of most kids movies due to such an implausible feat. I know it's supposed to be about a magic skateboard and all of that, but for crying out loud. Aside from that point that annoyed me most about this movie, I guess the story and acting are no more corny than most other kids movies. The kids stink it up a little bit, especially the bully kid. Overall, I'd say that this movie is just cheese city.
MovieAddict2016 Shoddy special effects combine with a shoddy story about a kid who gets a magical skateboard that can - get this - FLY! A horrible attempt at children's entertainment turns into a giant promo for skateboards, horrible actors and the whole nine yards (not the film, I mean the expression). Two thumbs down!0/5 stars -John Ulmer