The Silent Enemy
The Silent Enemy
NR | 04 March 1958 (USA)
The Silent Enemy Trailers

The Mediterranean, 1941/42 - Axis forces are using frogmen and manned torpedoes to attack previously impregnable harbours. The Allied forces need to come up with something to answer this threat, which they find in the form of Lt. Lionel "Buster" Crabb.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
liottauk Laurence Harvey in, I think his best role, playing Lionel Kenneth "Buster" Crabb OBE GM. I love this film, based on a true story and a real life hero. Crabb was awarded the George Medal for his work in Gibraltar to disarm mines from British warships based there.There is a great mix of fact and some humour thrown in with the appearance of Sid James as a Chief Petty Officer charged with getting the new frogmen fit for the long and dangerous work they had to undertake. A classic British Black and white war film in every sense.Its also a film close to my heart as my late father actually dived with Lt Cdr. Crabb on HMS Reclaim just before he went missing undertaking secret dives underneath the soviet cruiser Ordzhonikidze in Portsmouth Harbour.Overall a great must watch film for B&W war film fans.
ianlouisiana Lieutenant Commander Lionel "Buster" Crabb G.M.,O.B.E.,R.N.V.R.was a true eccentric,a man of indomitable courage,a naval officer in the fine tradition that service has for tolerating individuality and independence of thought amongst its members.After a dazzling wartime career he stayed in uniform for some years taking part in peacetime operations all over the world.Because of the mystery surrounding his disappearance the latter part of his naval service has become shrouded in controversy,but it is known that in 1956,at the age of 46 with years of hard drinking catching up with him,he was engaged on a "deniable" operation by the Home Office(read M.I.5.) to inspect the hull of the Russian cruiser "Ordzhonikidze" in Portsmouth Harbour where it was moored up during a "Goodwill" visit by Messrs Kruschev and Bulganin. He had already successfully done a similar job on it's sister - ship "Sverdlov" and there was no reason to suppose the second task would be any more difficult than the first,but he never returned from the dive. Almost immediately rumours began to fly and a cover - up plan was put into action,the police removing the appropriate page from the guest book in the Portsmouth hotel where he spent his last night. Conspiracies and counter - conspiracies were hinted at for forty years and "Buster" Crabb was not forgotten.Eventually a retired Soviet Naval Intelligence officer living in the Middle East was permitted to give what is now generally accepted to be the true version of Commander Crabb's fate.Apparently he was spotted swimming between the two Russian warships by an alert crew member,a marksman was called up from below deck and shot him in the head with a rifle,killing him instantly. Fortunately the body sank and an awkward diplomatic incident was avoided So sensitive is this issue even today that the Cabinet papers referring to it were recently re - classified as not due for release until 2057. "The silent enemy" was made 2 years after his disappearance and makes no effort to airbrush out his unconventionality,even going so far as giving Mr Laurence Harvey a silver - topped cane identical to the real one "Crabbie" carried everywhere. Ariving at Gibraltar as a bomb - disposal expert,Crabb had no previous underwater experience,but,diving at first in plimsoles and trunks,was soon removing mines sewn on British ships by a brave team of Italian frogmen based in nearby Algeciras in nominally neutral Spain. He and his team become engaged in a war within a war so to speak,eventually going mano a mano underwater against their silent enemy in an operation to recover a suitcase of military secrets from a crashed aircraft in the harbour.Crabb was awarded the George Medal for his part in this success.The movie ends here,rather abruptly,as his assistant CPO Thorne passes the news on to him.Mr Harvey acknowledges his men's salutes,"You all deserve the ruddy medal" he says steadily before marching off.Probably to tell the Admiral precisely that. Mr Harvey plays Crabb as the best kind of naval officer.He doesn't patronise his men,nor does he try to curry their favour.He doesn't call them by their first names or look at photographs of their wives and kiddies,he just leads them.He won't require them to do anything that he is not capable of doing himself at least as well,preferably better. Mr Sid James is very good in the role of CPO Thorne the sort of man who is the backbone of the navy ;respected by both the Wardroom and the Lower Deck,a man of humour and compassion who knows King's Regulations back to front and knows how to apply them justly.On the cusp of his transition to "Carry On" buffoonery this was one of his last gos at proper acting,it's a great pity he rarely went back to it. "The Silent Enemy" is a sincere and well - made tribute to a brave and resolute man who survived the hot war in the warm blue Mediterranean only to die in the Cold War in the chilled black oily waters of Portsmouth Harbour.50 years on I doubt whether anyone involved in the decision to send him on that last operation is still alive.Doubtless Crabbie has been giving them a piece of his mind at the soonest opportunity.
Pete-Cox Fond memories of this film as my Dad was one of the commandos who had to swim over to Spain to blow up the dastardly Axis'. Though for a Brit', it is a bit strange saying "which one are you Dad? Are you Sid James?" His memory of the commander was that he was a tad eccentric who slept in a rubber blanket. Then my Dad has lots of old recollections of World War 2, Russian Convoys, North Africa, serving on a Free French vessel (it had been re-fitted in America so had an ice-cream maker on board and as well as the British Navy ration of Rum got the French ration of Wine as well) and behind enemy lines in South East Asia. This film is the only one I know of of his own exploits though.
oigres They don't make them like this anymore. Rousing drama action based on the real life exploits of British Navy Lieutenant Lionel Crabbe and his contributions to underwater demolition work during World War II and later on in salvaging operations.World War II history buffs will appreciate the military technology depicted in this film and the impact it caused to Allied as well as Axis shipping. Exciting underwater action combined with a decent cast and good dialogue contribute to the suspense.