The Shooter
The Shooter
| 23 October 1997 (USA)
The Shooter Trailers

The story is of a small town in the early west and of a 'shooter' of reputation that drifts into it and stands up to the controlling family that runs it. But far from a John Wayne, this hero is caught and brutally beaten and left to die, only to be saved by a prostitute that has also suffered under the hand of this group of desperados. The only one possible to stand up to the shooter is another solitary man who joins with the notorious family although he is deputized as the town's sherif.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Grimossfer Clever and entertaining enough to recommend even to members of the 1%
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nzpedals Aw, come on, have you ever seen a western, (or any other movie) where the horses do a whoopsie, or have you ever seen a pile of it in the street where they live? Of course not.But there is plenty of "it" here. In the script, the story, the plot, the whole darn 85 minutes of it. Be warned, it is a real struggle to keep watching.The "Hero" rides along, hears screams, finds the "baddies" whipping a poor girl and guess what? BANG, BANG, BANG. and the girl is rescued and taken to Kingston, to Duncan's saloon, where she "works", (as they call it).Alas, one of the bad guys was the son of a local real bad guy, who sets out to revenge the killing of his son. Of course there is the gunfight or three, where "hero" is such a sharpshooter.
redwhiteandblue1776 Where do I start? The hero should have learned to ride a horse before filming a western. Red lipstick marks on a persons back really don't look like whip cuts. Hats of that period didn't have modern metal ventilation holes and the style of saddles used were not developed until the mid 1900s. After firing about eighteen rounds, our hero finally had to reload his six-shooter and there was zero "kick" when revolvers were fired. What bad guy takes the time to tie the picture perfect rope noose to hang the heroin? Who knew all the "whores" out west were so attractive? I could go on. All in all,a very amateurish production.
Bob_Zerunkel A whore is being whipped to death, so a guy rides up and kills everybody. Then there is more killing. And then a whore gets whipped to death. Then Randy Travis says a lot of stuff that nobody cares about. Then there is more killing. Then Travis tries simultaneously to kill a whore and have a shootout, but he talks too much. Then the good guy rides away with the last whore.The only question that remains is why do all the men, good or bad, want to kill the whores? I think the word "whore" was uttered more in this movie than at my cousin's wedding.I give it three stars because, in the middle of the movie for some unknown reason,they turned it into a porno. Boobies on screen; butt-licking off of it. But then they killed that whore. Killed her dead.
cengelm I'm surprised about the many female voters who even give this film better marks. My thought about this film was that the target audience is adult and male. Whipped and tortured women, merciless revenge and a high body count are typical ingredients, introduced into film history by the spaghetti subgenre. The opening and the hand-smashing are DJANGO rip-offs. THE SHOOTER however lacks the style of e.g. DJANGO. Score, acting and cinematography are mediocre at best but if you look for the above mentioned ingredients you are in the right place here. And the actors don't have an Italian accent.4 / 10.