The Severed Arm
The Severed Arm
R | 02 November 1973 (USA)
The Severed Arm Trailers

Trapped in a cave, five men cut the arm off of another companion in order to ward off starvation. After they are saved, their victim seeks revenge on them one by one.

Wordiezett So much average
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
MartinHafer "The Severed Arm" has a very low score on IMDb and the reviews are generally unfavorable. Oddly, I actually liked the film and thought it very unique and worth seeing. I could be wrong, but I was surprised as the title sure makes it sound like a terrible film.The first part of the film is told as a flashback. A group of six guys go exploring in a creaky old cave. Unfortunately, one of the guys is a stupid idiot and he causes a cave-in...and they are trapped for two weeks. Not surprisingly, they are starving when one of them insists that they only way to survive is to eat PART of one of them. He insists that they draw lots and the loser is part. Not all of them are in agreement but he pushes them to do this. After ripping off the poor loser's arm, a rescue party arrives--and the folks all agree to lie about what happened and say that the man with the missing are was injured and they HAD to do surgery on him!Five years pass. Now bad things start happening to the five who perpetrated this arm-carnage. Some are dismembered...some are killed. But there is a special punishment for the ring leader!I thought the film very original, quite clever and set a wonderful and tense mood. Is it a great film? Nah...but for what it is, it's surprisingly watchable. Also, I was glad that the who arm ripping off angle was not overly gross and gratuitous!
Mhamm520 although the movie's acting and directing were very amateur, the plot was an amazing concept. the films script was cheesy, but the story in general was genius. the whole time watching the film, i was thinking to myself that if this movie had th chance, it could be very good. again, its not the story that was bad, it was the acting and directing. i mean if u look a the basic idea, a group of people stuck in a cave, fighting one another for each others flesh, thats a winning plot right there, just ready for any big time producer to bite into. if this move is redone today, with a larger budget and a better cast and crew, this could be a very popular film. too bad it just wasn't done right the first time around.
Woodyanders Six starving, desperate geologists are trapped in a cave for two weeks. Five of these guys cut off the arm of a sixth luckless dude and eat it. Shortly after the limb hacking incident, the men are saved by a rescue party. Five years later the understandably embittered fellow who got his appendage severed vows revenge. He begins killing the other five guys by cutting off one of their arms with a hatchet. While the sound premise certainly has plenty of potential, it's unfortunately undermined by a very dull and uninspired execution. Thomas S. Alderman's drab, listless direction and hideously talky'n'tedious script suck all the fun and vitality out of the solid story. The tame, unconvincing gore f/x, Philllan Bishop's shrill, unmelodious droning synthesizer score, the sluggish pace, Bob Maxwell's dark, bland, ugly cinematography and a real groaner of a would-be startling surprise "twist" ending are all likewise uniformly awful. Familiar 70's B-feature faces Deborah ("Benji") Walley, Paul ("The Bat People") Carr, John ("Outlaw Blues") Crawford, Vince ("The Candy Snatchers") Martorano, and Marvin ("Fangs") Kaplan sleepwalk through their insipid parts, thereby failing to bring any energy or conviction to their boring and flatly drawn characters. Early in the film one character gravely intones, "Something's really rotten." I wholeheartedly concur; that something really rotten is this incredibly feeble and worthless chunk of atrocious cinematic offal.
Angela Dean Over all, if you take into account the year it was made, this movie wasn't too bad. I have seen movies much newer that were much, much worse. I mean, it's not nasty gory, or heart-in-your-throat scary, but it has it's moments. There's plotting, a bit of blood, and some hack-and-slash. And as avid a horror movie watcher I am, I STILL didn't see the 'brother' angle coming. The only part I didn't like, was the ending. I mean, they got the last guy, he's locked in a room with a knife. For poetic justice, his options are either cut off his own arm or starve to death. And THAT'S where they end it!! Blasted cliffhangers!! I hate it when movies do that.. It's just...wrong!!