The Road Builder
The Road Builder
R | 12 May 1971 (USA)
The Road Builder Trailers

The dreary existence of middle-aged spinster Maura Prince takes an unexpected turn with the arrival of young handyman Billy Jarvis, but there is more to Billy than meets the eye.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Ms Blossom If you know me you know that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Patty Neal and all that she has done. But of all her fine films, this role of hers wins out over all the rest. If you'd asked me a few years ago I would not have thought so, but I watched this film again recently, and while her acting may be a bit different and some would say subdued in this picture, for lack of a better term, I think that it just shows that she really gave it her all in this role. A truly remarkable performance and one for the ages. Thank you, Patrician Neal.
Darkling_Zeist Creepy, hugely atmospheric and surprisingly little-known British pot boiler concerning the wicked travails of a rather personable, youthful handy man; a soft spoken soul who once finished with his diligent roof repairs reveals himself to be a demented sex killer (Brilliantly played by a handsome and enigmatic Nicholas Clay). The director makes especially effective use of dark splashes of humor, and Hollywood icon Patricia Neal is an absolute delight. Pamela Brown's muscular performance is little short of stupendous; playing Patricia Neal's blind, abusive, over- zealous, wholly oppressive matriarch to the hilt! (I enjoyed this ballsy melodrama almost as much as 'The Fiend' with which it shares a similarly grim narrative, albeit with far less black humor) It would be entirely remiss of me in not mentioning the fine music of maestro Bernard Herrman. (As a prurient aside I never quite realized that Bridgit Forsyth had such a killer rack, if you will excuse the appalling pun)
LJ27 There might be spoilers here. Gonna try to keep from it but I have to describe the plot as I heard it verses what it really was when I saw the film. THE NIGHT DIGGER, also known as THE ROAD BUILDER, was a movie I read about that sounded interesting. It seems a spinster and her mother are in an old decaying mansion in England when a young man comes along to stay with them and work as a handy man while also working as a builder on a road being constructed. It seems this young guy is a psycho who also rapes and kills women and buries them in the road. Meanwhile the spinster is taking a shine to him. Sounded like the recipe for a pretty good thriller to me. Well, in spite of Bernard Herrmann's score and Alex Thompson's excellent, moody cinematography, this film doesn't play out anything like I thought it would have. The plot takes detours that really made me wonder if the director knew he was supposed to be making a horror film. There comes one part that has several people sitting around gossiping and although I imagined a suspenseful thriller where you wondered if the old woman and her mother are in danger, someone, maybe the director, or maybe Roald Dahl pretty much succeed in killing any degree of suspense. It's almost like they decided to shoot a scary movie and then later tried to turn it into something else altogether. It has gloomy cinematography and a fine score and even a kind of threatening title but that's where the horror/suspense elements end. The movie fizzles badly and the climax is just plain stupid. Maybe I was supposed to be moved or sympathetic or something but I just thought the movie was creepy for all the wrong reasons. BEWARE! BIG SPOILER!!!!Still with me? Okay, there is a sex scene with the young man and old Patricia Neal. Luckily, you don't see much but just the thought of the young dude having sex with that old woman was about the creepiest thing I can think of in this entire movie. If she had been the young Patricia Neal from 20 years before this film was made, then fine, a sex scene might not have been so terrible but this was disgusting. When I read the title NIGHT DIGGER, I expected a movie where Patricia Neal discovers her handyman's is the murderer and her having to fight him off and struggle to survive. I imagined a pretty interesting plot when I read the title. Be assured that there is nothing in this film that is suspenseful, scary or thrilling unless you like watching old people have sex with young people, which is shot in front of a blurry lens, presumably to keep the audience from throwing up. Given the same exact actors, crew, locations and budget, I could have made a film that would have had audiences on the edge of their seats until the end credits. Someone took a good premise, a good crew, great locations, sets and actors and made a boring film about a guy who kills good-looking women and sleeps with old women who used to be good-looking. I wasn't impressed at all and cannot recommend this film - at least not as a thriller/horror film, which it was intended to be. No blood, no gore, no action. Just old ladies, psycho road-builders and boredom.
preppy-3 Another one of those great forgotten movies of the 1970s. I caught this on late night TV about 20 years ago and have never forgotten it.It was about a young man named Billy (Nicholas Clay) helping out Maura Prince (Patricia Neal) and her elderly mother (Pamela Brown) in their crumbling old house in England. Neal starts to fall for him (despite their age difference)...but she's not aware of what he does when he goes out alone every night...Spooky little horror film. When I first saw it it was edited for TV so there were some unexplained pieces (like a bit about something that happened to him as a child which explains what he does as an adult) and, I assumed the violence was gone. I was finally able to see the entire uncut film and loved it! It wasn't a blood and guts horror movie--it's an excellent psychological horror. In fact the two violent acts in it aren't even shown! It concentrates on Billy and Maura and their feelings and thoughts. Clay and Neal are such great actors that just their expressions tell you what they're feeling. The growing romance between them was touching and believable. Also there's an excellent score and the ending was a stunner! This film has an R rating for some dialogue and a lengthy nude sequence with Clay. Well worth catching just for Clay and Neal.This movie is available on DVD through the made to order system with the Warner Brothers Archive Collection. It's complete and the transfer is pristine. Well worth getting. It might disturb you but you'll never forget it. Avoid the cut version on TCM.