The Rise of the Krays
The Rise of the Krays
R | 29 August 2015 (USA)
The Rise of the Krays Trailers

Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of a close friend that survived them, we see them rise to infamy through drugs, sex and murder.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Neil Grant Firstly, The Krays Never wore flat caps, 2, They do not look like the Krays, 3 They have not got the swagger of the Krays, 4 The film has pinched scenes from The Kemp brothers film. 5 a very badly written scrip. The same goes for The fall of the Kray . Half the stuff in both films were untrue. I have read all the books and I was a good friend of Charlie Kray. I even spoke to Reg on the phone when he was in Blunderston Prison.Next time you want to do a film get in touch with me. I am an Actor/Director and have been in many films and TV Programs...................
birkinm-57112 Cotton and Leslie do a superb job depicting the charm and charisma of the Krays but if you were looking for a remake of all the other films on the Krays, then this movie is not for you.It centralises on the younger years of Krays as the "rise" part of the title hints and the whole plot revolves around the lesser known attributes of the pair such as Ronnie's mental illness and bisexuality. All other movies neglect to mention the various legitimate businesses and political influence the Krays possessed at the time and how they happened to come by them in favour of violence and bloodshed unlike this one. All in all a very enjoyable film.
daworldismine it's always been surprising to me that there was only one movie based on the infamous kray twins, and while peter medak's 1990 biopic was for it's time a solid movie, when you read and watch things about the krays you realise just how much they left out, and it didn't really portray the twins as they was at all, never the less that movie remains much loved and has a deserved cult classic status, but i always wanted another film about the krays, one that showed the twins how i always read they were, brutal, uncompromising, charming, dangerous all rolled into one pair of naughty twins, and while the likes of the Essex boys have movie after movie made about them, we had to wait twenty five years for another krays film, and then boom, we get two at the same time, now this movie coming out at the same time as the big budget tom hardy biopic 'legend' is both a gift and a curse for the rise of the krays, a gift in that 'legend' has made the krays relevant again, and a curse in that this movie will be over shadowed by its big budget counterpart, now as for the better movie i can't judge yet as I've only seen this one, legend is out in a few days, so ill judge then. the sad part of the fact is that this movie was in the works before 'legend' in fact i knew about this movie in early 2013. never mind all that though because the movie i have just watched is brilliant enough to stand on it's own two feet. the first part in an epic two part crime saga, tells the story of the kray twins from youths to men, as they take control and rule the London underworld, and the twins are finally shown on screen to be the brutal men they truly were, and trust me this movie is brutal, the violence here is shocking, and makes the old krays film look like a kids film. the movie is narrated by Reggie kray, and he holds the movie together great. another brilliant thing the movie gets right is seeing Ronnie krays mental illness, Ronnie kray is played here with such menace and authority you cannot take your eyes of him. both Reggie and Ronnie are brilliantly played here, and i cannot wait for the second part of this epic, one of the best British gangster films in years, and much better than the old krays film.
mrrob-31532 There is an older version of this movie starring the Kemp brothers. At least they looked alike. These two actors bore no resemblance to each other. This is a cheap movie, badly acted, not true to the story and it jumps about all over the place. There is no chronological order to the Krays growing up and developing their psychopathic behaviour. The movie was a hard watch due to the poor character development. What we have here is a very loose film based around the twins with lots of violence. The twins mother was hugely influential on the boys but we don't see her. The drunken, wife beating and child beating father also doesn't get a mention. Save yourself 2 hours and read a book or go into the garden.Hopeless.