Laugh Killer Laugh
Laugh Killer Laugh
| 25 April 2015 (USA)
Laugh Killer Laugh Trailers

A jewel thief named Frank Stone is a very deeply disturbed, anti social, milquetoast who finds no joy or humor in anything - until he awakens from a deep coma.

ScoobyWell Great visuals, story delivers no surprises
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
The Couchpotatoes Kamal Ahmed tried to make an ambitious movie but in my eyes he just failed. Despise William Forsythe that tries to make the movie a bit interesting the rest of the cast doesn't bring much to the movie. And also the story is just too slow and sometimes makes not much sense to make it enjoyable to watch. I even fell asleep for the last five minutes and I even didn't bother to rewind to watch those five minutes over. I couldn't care less how it ended. It's one of those movies you watch once, without much interest, and that you will completely forget about in a month. I'm even going to write the title down so that I don't forget I already watched it and that it wasn't good. Don't want to make the same mistake twice.
kosmasp So why would the Killer laugh then? How is he funny to misquote a character portrayed by Joe Pesci? Some things you may never get an answer too. But does the title really matter? Maybe it's supposed to be self deprecating, considering the mood our main character is in almost all the time.And we get a really good main actor here with William Forsythe. So the ingredients are good (one Fanboy is ecstatic about this to a point he'd eat up anything he gets served, which is fine, but let's keep our focus on the bigger picture), but the overall result does have some major issues. Mean streets this isn't, mainly because while it is gritty it never captures the quality that movie had. Still if you like decent crime dramas with a low budget, you will have fun with this. Especially because it doesn't choose the route of beautiful (though a bit more quality acting from the other main players would've been helpful)
Michael Trombetta William Forsythe does more with facial expressions and reactions (and nonchalance) than actors who might have played this role in a ham-fisted way. The 180 degree turn of the role gave him a chance to sink his teeth into it. The writing is excellent which is how he got Mr. Forsythe in my opinion. We are sensing something bad is going to happen and it does. The directing is a bit much with the camera at moments but forgivable for a maiden voyage. The editor may not have been given the shots required for smooth transitions and the music is 70's TV-esqe. The D.P. is also excellent. Three stars. I will look forward to another film by this filmmaker. Congratulations!
shirleyfeed The movie has comedy, gangster interaction, and emotion. It was totally worth watching. I felt for the main character because he was abused as a young boy. He grew up mad and alone. He had no family or friends to turn to. He finally meets the love his life and she suffers the consequences of his life choices. I knew there would be comedy involved when I heard Kamil was the director. I've always been a fan of his especially in my younger years when he was a jerky boy. I was in suspense while laughing throughout the movie. Very entertaining.My favorite movies include laughter and suspense and this had it I urge you to buy this move and watch it . You won't regret it.