The Ring Virus
The Ring Virus
| 12 June 1999 (USA)
The Ring Virus Trailers

Sun-ju is a reporter who uncovers a series of inexplicable deaths that occurred simultaneously. Her investigation leads her to a resort, where she finds a videotape filled with mysterious images. After viewing it, a message appears on the screen that she has just been cursed, and that in order to save herself she must - end of tape. Somebody has erased the rest, leaving her horrified and uncertain of her next move.

Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
sophie_lou21 Every review I see for this film is for the original horror movie classic based on the best-selling novel by Koji Suzuki 'Ringu'. This is not 'Ringu', it is the Korean adaption of the movie. Very few people have watched this film has it had received its share of insults and bashing.However, I recommend to any one who loved either or both 'The Ring' (American adaption) or 'Ringu' (Original Japanese version) to watch this version. You owe it to yourself.I won't lie to you, the acting is poor and the actress who plays Sun-joo is so wooden it's frightening. Most of the scenes are dull and strange... But the scenes with Eun-Suh are handled beautifully. I watched this movie several times... And it really grew on me.Its nothing compared to 'Ringu', but like I said, it's worth a look.2/5 *** Stars
mojomunkey I own Ringu the book, and Ringu on DVD, I also own The Ring, the American version. Ring Virus, is all three mixed together but still changed to much to be excellent. It was not a better movie than Ringu or The Ring, but it was a slight bit more true to the book Ringu than the other two films. Personally The Ring being the first one of the entire series which includes over 5 films that I have seen is my favorite, followed by the book Ringu. The book is totally different. The hero is a man, there is no evil child. there isn't even a female lead. But the movies always have to change that. For some reason the rule in horror is that the woman has to save the man. But in the book there is no woman to save. But Ring Virus tries to keep true to the plot of the book. Sadako, Samara, or Eun-suh, they are all the same character, which ever you prefer to call her is most like her book counter part in Ring Virus. They keep very true to her and her story, also the title Ring Virus is very true to the book Ringu, because in the book the author refers to the Ring mystery as a virus that must be spread. It's a good movie if you are into the whole Ring view of horror, running against the clock, that you already beat because you are to stupid to just except your death.
Danny_G13 The problem with modern horror is that instead of genuinely scaring the viewer, Hollywood seems to have decided that fog and gore is enough. Well this effort from Japan (Which was made in 1998 btw) shows how utterly magnificent and scary a movie can be with the most minimalist budget. It's based on the idea of a disturbing video, which seems to be having strange effects on those who view it. Indeed, 4 of those who watch it die a week later. Coincidence?To be honest, I really don't want to give any more plot away as this is the sort of story, like Sixth Sense, that frankly one should see knowing as little about as possible.It is genuinely chilling throughout, and uses suggestion and psychological manipulation to achieve the terror. A known trick with moviemakers and games makers (To a lesser extent) is that it is not what the viewer sees that terrifies them, it's what they can't see. It's what they imagine and believe is happening which can so effectively scare them.And this movie does that outstandingly well. A word of warning; just when you think it's over and the chills have stopped, think again. The ending is the epitome of fear, and if you're not tempted to cover your eyes you're a braver man than I.
grizlas To all of you who feel let down by this film, I'd like to point out that every one of you have had great anticipations about how it would be. Films like Blair Witch and Ringu are in my oppinion the very best the horror genre has to offer, but they require your immersion to have any effect.Just knowing too much about a film like this can be enough to ruin it for someone who's not a regular horror film fanatic. How many of us have a friend who went to see Blair Witch in the Cinema during the height of the hype, and came back dissapoined not understanding what all the fuss was about?. How can you immerse yourself in a movie with no real special effects, no tempo, no humor and no sex?. The only thing these movies have to offer is horror and that horror in turn more than makes up for other shortcommings, but in order to be frightened you have to play along with the movie, that is accept the absence of all the things you usually find in hollywood blockbusters. If you can't do that, the movie will not be frightening and if it's not frightening, there is nothing else to keep you interested.So my suggestion is, if you want to see Ring, Blair Witch (or films like space odyssey 2001) make sure you know why. If you want popcorn horror dont rent this movie, cause you'll hate it. Watching a movie just because someone said it was the best movie ever, severely reduces the chances of you enjoying it. If you want to watch a movie that has a great albeit slow story, no special effects or anything else you'd expect in a high profile film, you will be mortally terrified by the Ring.