Such a frustrating disappointment
Just perfect...
Best movie ever!
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Myriam Nys
First the bad : the idea behind the movie is pretty implausible. Sadly, this lack of credibility permeates all aspects of the movie - intrigue, script, everything and anything. The people on the screen may be acting up to and above the call of duty, the viewer sits there and thinks : watch out for the sequel, when the dog of the Belgian prime minister will marry the Pope.There are also a number of clichés, such as the moment where the Bad Guy addresses his victim in order to explain his motivation slowly and clearly. Sadly, the motivation consists of pseudo-geopolitical claptrap worthy of a lesser Bond movie. (You know the drill : "If I can get Monaco to drop an atom bomb on Paris, then Iceland will have no choice but to attack Greece. Meanwhile, the famished hordes of China will acclaim me as their new emperor".) The claptrap was also pretty insulting to the USA and its foreign policy, although it should be noted that there exist segments of the said policy which are fully capable of insulting themselves.The movie's ending is strangely sloppy and rushed, as if someone somewhere had heard the ringing of an only-five-minutes-before-the-end- of-the-competition alarm. One can imagine cooks rushing left and right through a kitchen, quickly throwing some food on a plate - and never mind the endive salad or the Parmesan dressing.Still, the movie is not without its charms. The acting is pretty decent ; the locations are suitably sinister, grand or iconic ; no expense was spared on the production values ; and the images are particularly beautiful and crisp.I found myself strangely fascinated by the end credits, which were as long as the Ganges and contained some of the most original names I have seen in a long time. I need to get out more often.
Without a doubt the most unrealistic story ever to feature in a movie. An episode of Scooby-Doo has more suspense then this movie. An episode of Family Guy is more realistic then this movie. The family of the prime minister is kidnapped and will be released if the prime minister kills the president of the United States. When the prime minister fails to comply to anything they tell him too they still release the hostages. 2 hours of pure time waste and a whole lot of money waste.
Mickey Jackson
The good: high pace, exciting, 2 hours of hard suspense. Decent (but not overwhelming) acting performances. Dark, grim atmosphere throughout the whole movie. I didn't get bored for a second. Many similarities to De Zaak Alzheimer, but with an even higher tempo.The not so good: bad, sometimes even corny plot twists. Certain things were just too unrealistic and could have been done better. It seems to me that either they had to cut the movie to fit within 120 minutes or they were out of money. The ending was disappointing, compared to the rest of the film.It does make me think about how a situation like this would play out in real life. Let's hope that it never comes to that.
My girlfriend (43 years) left the movie (crying) around minute 43 (I can be more specific about the fragment, if needed, but I supported her by leaving together). She couldn't anymore make the difference between "reality and fiction". Before you shall say "Your poor Belgian people", see the movie and evaluate it. Although I have to say that "some special moments" are typical for our Country (which I love = those fragments :-). Therefore I went a second time without her, to watch the whole scene. This is contributed to the "regisseur Erik Van Looy". Before the end of my 10 lines of text, which are needed for your "automatic machine" to cope with my "humble opinion", I shall produce more inappropriate text, like "this movie was sponsored by our government for 5 mio euro's", which is also the budget for 1 moment of a typical soap series... The main actor (Koen De Bouw) declared that the most difficult part of 56 days of takes, was to be believed in his anxiousness. Also therefore, my girlfriend left the movie at half :-) René Steurs, out of Belgium.