The Point
The Point
| 02 February 1971 (USA)
The Point Trailers

Years ago, there was a place called The Land of Point, because everything in The Land of Point had one: the barns, the houses, the cars, everything, even the people. Everyone in The Land of Point had a point at the top of its head. Everyone, that is, except Oblio, who was born round-headed. Since he had no point, Oblio, along with his trusty dog, Arrow, was banished to the Pointless Forest. Join them to see what wonders await these two intrepid travelers as they make their way on their amazing, song-filled journey of discovery!

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Executscan Expected more
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Cal-01 This is a great feature. I have seen all three versions (narrated by Ringo Starr, Dustin Hoffman and Allen Thicke). Allen Thicke sounds the most like a father and therefore, the movie plays best with him narrating. Mike Lookinland (Bobby Brady of the Brady Bunch)is great as Oblio but the Harry Nilson songs steal the show. This is a great movie that shows that everyone, no matter how different, has a point and matter. I had this movie recorded on Betamax but have since lost it. I am fervently looking for an Allen Thick copy of the movie to this day. If anyone can shed light on this situation, it would be much appreciated (
projekchick1 I saw this on ABC's Movie of the Week when it was first shown in 1971. I was in 8th grade then and just loved it.I think it was only repeated once.It should be repeated every year like Charlie Brown and Rudolph.This generation would really benefit from it.It might make them think a littleThe messages of tolerance and respecting others' differences never get old.Plus the music was very uplifting and the characters are appealingThe fact that I still remember (and would like to see)this movie after 35 years must mean something.
hmghosthost The Point is one of those films that crawl inside you and never lets you go. I saw this film as a small child but could never remember the name of it. As an adult I asked other people if they had heard of it, and the faces of every single one of them lit up from the memory and they recalled how it had effected them as a child. But no one could remember the name of this film.It wasn't until it came out on video that I finally discovered the name. I was particularly excited to learn that the voice of Oblio's father, the Pointed Man's Right Head, and The King was none other than Paul Frees - the spooky Ghost Host of Disneyland's and Walt Disney World's famous Haunted Mansion attraction, as well as the voice of several pirates in The Pirates of The Caribbean attraction.This film ranks at the top with other childhood favorites, such as the Rankin-Bass stop motion animated Christmas specials "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town".
addismewhat I was twelve when I saw this movie and was feeling very out of place, not fitting in with the other kids.I was amazed to see such a wonderful story of hope. It made me feel so good to know others felt like I did.This movie had a profound impact on me.If you or your child is feeling detached, out of place, I can think of no happier way to show them they are not alone then to introduce this movie to them.Why this treasure is so under circulated is disappointing, but kind of poignant to its message.I must add the very end of the story did leave me feeling confused, but the power of the message overpowered this flaw.