The Path to 911
The Path to 911
| 10 September 2006 (USA)
The Path to 911 Trailers

The Path to 9/11 was a two-part miniseries that aired in the United States on ABC television from September 10 – 11, 2006, and also in other countries. The film dramatizes the 1993 World Trade Center bombing in New York City and the events leading up to the September 11, 2001 attacks.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Troopie First off, let me say I'm not a Republican or a Democrat -- I'm not even an American, so I consider myself neutral. Anyway, the main thing I noticed following my reading of the anti-film reviews shown in the Comments section is that whereas so many Republican viewers complained about inaccuracies & mistakes in this film, there were very, very few errors reported in the 'Goofs' section. Strange, no? Could it be that the inaccuracies were those that disagreed with the opinions of the writers rather than reality? Anyway, anyone expecting ANY film to be 100% accurate is born to be constantly disappointed. Was 'Tora Tora Tora' (another film dealing with wasted chances to prevent a disaster) completely accurate? Was even 'Flags of our Fathers' infallible? No, & not even Mr. Eastwood would claim otherwise. If you want 100% accuracy (which might also disagree with previously held opinions), use an encyclopaedia -- though even these might upset the more politically chauvinist readers. Personally, I found this film interesting, provocative & providing plenty of food for thought. Well worth the watching.
lunchbox623 Why don't these mainstream 9/11 things ever put in stuff about William Rodriguez, the life saving janitor on 9/11 who felt explosions in the sub-basement BEFORE the plane hit. look him up and watch his testimony. How come they never involve inaccuracies in the media. BBC reported WTC7 collapse 20 MINUTES before it happened! This is just another version of 9/11 that makes Americans feel sorry for the government and hate so called "terrorists." The war on terror is unreal. "When the people are afraid of the government there is tyranny, when the government is afraid of the people there is liberty" - Thomas Jefferson Please watch a real 9/11 video made with victims family members and first responders. Watch it FOR FREE on google video. "9/11 Press for Truth" search it. watch it.
yonmei-1 Full of mockumentary camera wobble. The only thing worse than the camera wobble were the non-stop lies. Actually, the only thing worse than the non-stop lies was the film taking six hours for a plot that could have been summarised in two: President Clinton, according to this, was spectacularly indecisive, and President Bush extremely decisive. Although claiming to be "based on" the 9/11 Commission Report, it contradicts by the 9/11 Commission Report in several important places.And worse than that: it's dull. You wouldn't think that a film made about such a major disaster could be dull. But it was.
jtodd002 The acting, directing, camera work, and tension are incredible. I checked the vote breakdown as to why the overall rating could not be at least an 8.5 or 9. I have since found that the ultra partisan lefties en masse gave the show a 1. Check for yourself. This film was as good as it gets. The voters who cast a 1, are, of course, very liberal political types who wish to completely absolve the Clintonistas for any possible inaction regarding Al Queda/Bin Ladin during the first and second Clinton terms. You don't have to be a republican to admire this remarkably balanced presentation. The hero, in fact, is Richard Clarke, who has been no friend of the Bushies.
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