R | 27 June 2014 (USA)

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In a future where a failed global-warming experiment kills off most life on the planet, a class system evolves aboard the Snowpiercer, a train that travels around the globe via a perpetual-motion engine.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
paulclaassen Fantastic photography and great actors highlight this post-apocalyptic action thriller. Chris Evans is hardly recognizable and delivers one of the best performances yet! I absolutely loved him in the role of the protagonist. The film depicts so well humanity's inclinations to barrier the rich from the poor, even in times of desperation and chaos, when they're supposed to unite. It was incredibly well done.
nastiayeleniuk The plot of Snowpiercer basically goes like this: The opening text sequence explains that the use of some sort of gas has caused an eternal winter on earth, which killed almost all human life. The last survivors of the human race are on board a very long train. The people in the back of the train are being oppressed by those on the front who are in control of the engine and they're being treated like prisoners, so the people in the back want to get to the front to start a revolution. This was an idea with very high potential. Unfortunately a lot of very stupid things happen in this movie and it ends up being a trainwreck. If you thought that was a pun you're wrong, that's literally what happens. They chose to go with that ending.Let me explain to you the stupid things that happen in this third act. Throughout the movie, when our characters get closer and closer to the front, we see the living conditions of the parts of the train they reach getting beter and better. Finally they get to a HUGE door in front of the engine. For some reason, the last wagon before that is sort of a hookah bar, just with some other drugs, which is stupid enough by itself. Why would they put a hookah bar in the last wagon? I don't know what the writers were thinking. Even if we accept it as it is, I don't get why the people who smoke those hookah-like drugs don't try to stop our characters from breaking in. I really don't think they're THAT high.One of the revolutionaries is a Korean man who designed the doors for the train and opened them along the way so our characters can move further. He tells his daughter how to open the door to the engine room while he's occupied with fighting. They eventually succeed at opening the door. I suppose the government rooms that we haven't been shown yet are behind that door, right? No, it's just a dining room for the one person in charge. So where do the people on the train make their decisions, where do they have meetings, where are the government rooms? Nobody knows because the script is stupid! So a woman who works for the one man in charge gets out of the engine room and shoots the Korean man and there's no reaction from his daughter whatsoever. She then tells our revolutionary leader, the only other person left to come in because the man in charge wants to have dinner with him. Let me get this straight, how did our man in charge know there's someone outside that door? There's no windows. And why don't they lock the door after he comes in? Anyway, a lot happens during this dinner conversation, but this is where we get to the most stupid part of the movie: The man in charge tells our revolutionary leader that he wants him to be in control of the engine because he's old and he will die soon!? Why in the world would he do that?? Why in the world would he give control of the engine to this man who just tried to overthrow him?? As the snowpiercer represents all human life left, what in the snowpiercer were the writers thinking? If you think the man in charge were fooling our hero, that's never shown! For what I can tell he's serious! Even if he were joking, letting him come in in the first place is a huge risk. As he says, he's the only person to ever walk the entire distance of the train (Seriously? The staff never did that? Then how do they enforce orders from the front in the back of the train?), so he will know how do defeat him. But that's what our """villain""" wants, we're supposed not to concern ourselves with this plothole. The Korean man, who told his daughter to place a bomb at the door,... Hold on, why do they have to blow up the door? It's already open! Anyway, they place the bomb and blow up the door. I guess because it's not explained, rather vaguely implied the bang of the explosion triggers an avalanche which hits the train and causes it to derail. Everyone except the Korean man's daughter and a little child that has been taken from his mum at the beginning of the movie die. The two eventually wake up. The two leave the train for the first time in their lives, which is a really beautiful idea, Unfortunately, that scene also falls apart when you think about it. Earlier in the movie we've been told that some years ago a few people left the train and died of the freezing cold after what looks like 300 meters (0.19 miles). This means the last surviving humans will die in a minute and humankind will be extinct. But let's go back to this scene. They see a polar bear on a hill very nearby and smile about it in amazement of seeing an animal for the first time. But girl, polar bears eat humans. That thing is looking right at you. You will be eaten. Run! Run far away! Anyway, that's the ending of this movie.Before I get to my conclusion, let me point out some positive things: 1) This movie mostly has great cinematography. They worked very well with restricted sets and the movie looks really good. A notable exception is the frozen city they pass by at one point. 2) The performances are great, especially Ko Asung did a really good job. A notable exception is Tilda Swinton. Her performance was AWFUL. 3) This movie has some good protagonists. I like them.Unfortunately, that's all things that stand out as positive things about this movie that I can think of for now. In conclusion, the story of Snowpiercer had a lot of potential, unfortunately the script is one hell of a plothole compilation and the movie starts falling apart completely if you think about it. It has some redeeming qualities, but that doesn't change the fact that this is a really bad movie. If you want to see it, go ahead, but don't expect anything that actually makes sense. I don't understand how this currently has a 7.0 rating.
hbuhary Promised so much at the beginning and failed epically in the end. The movie drags on as well, could cut it down to 90 minutes instead of two hours.
johnmayo-00648 Snowpiercer is maybe one of the best films I've have ever seen, and I've have seen many. People are saying that there are many potholes and problems, but watch it again and you'll see your opinion has a pothole because there is almost nothing wrong with this movie, maybe one or two problems like shaky cam but not as much as the Bourne movies and people love those films, I'm not saying compare it to the Bourne films, I'm just saying, watch it once, think about it then if you still don't 'understand' it watch it again, trust me you won't regret it, it's a awesome film. P.s. I said 'it' a lot in this review.
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