The Pallbearer
The Pallbearer
PG-13 | 03 May 1996 (USA)
The Pallbearer Trailers

Aspiring architect Tom Thompson is told by mysterious Ruth Abernathy that his best friend, "Bill," has taken his own life. Except that Tom has never met Bill and neither have his incredulous friends. So when Tom foolishly agrees to give the eulogy at Bill's funeral, it sets him on a collision course with Ruth -- who is revealed to be Bill's oversexed mother -- and Julie DeMarco, the longtime crush Tom hasn't seen since they were teens.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
SnoopyStyle It's been a year since Tom Thompson (David Schwimmer) graduated but he's still struggling to start his career in architecture. He lives with his mother (Carol Kane) in Brooklyn. Ruth Abernathy (Barbara Hershey) calls telling him about his high school best friend and her son Bill's suicide. She wants him to give the eulogy but he doesn't remember him. He agrees to a pallbearer anyways. His friends Brad Schorr (Michael Rapaport) and Scott (Michael Vartan) don't remember Bill either. Scott's engaged to Cynthia (Toni Collette). At their party, she invited Tom's secret high school crush Julie DeMarco (Gwyneth Paltrow). Lauren (Bitty Schram) is Brad's volatile girlfriend.This movie hits on a false note from the start. Schwimmer's pathetic persona is not always appealing. This time, he's something off. He needs to get rid of his hang dog expression and stop doing his Friends sit-com comedy bit. He's sad and a little creepy. It's annoying. Any attempt at humor only backfires to highlight the awkwardness of this movie. There are multiple issues including sleeping with Ruth. It makes an unappealing character even worst. I actually wish that Tom had brain damage which would explain him forgetting about being Bill's best friend.
Ray Girvan SPOILER AHEAD! I never watched Friends, and I appreciate that the film's flavour will for many viewers will be overlaid with Schwimmer's earlier persona. Viewing it in isolation as I did, I found it a staple comedy scenario: the excruciating complications that arise from a character's lack of assertiveness in failing to admit a situation of mistaken identity. However, the joke grows increasingly uncomfortable: for Tom, this unassertiveness is pathological, related to his failure to grow up. His friends have careers and relationships, but he still lives with his mother, jobless and fixated on a woman he liked at school. In real life, it would be inconceivable for such a person to end up with Gwyneth Paltrow, and the film doesn't strain our disbelief in this respect. This is less a romantic comedy than a rite-of-passage story, Tom beginning (we hope) a belated journey to adulthood.
pips55 Upon first viewing of this film at release I wasn't much impressed, but upon a recent second viewing (and because I liked it so much a third viewing as well) I have decided that this film is not only well written and well acted (despite what characters the actors may have played before, it works) it deserves to be in my personal top ten. Gwyneth Paltrow plays a 24 year old in search for identity, and it may just be my generation's quintessential "I've had a job for a few years and hate it" "I've just graduated and can't find a job" "Everyone I know is still living with their parents" "Dealing with best friends getting married" movie. Sure, it's heartwarming, but that doesn't take away from wonderfully crafted scenes with perfect poignancy and a good soundtrack to boot. There are also good performances by Toni Collette, Michael Vartan and Michael Rapaport. I highly reccommend seeing this film.
amucomm Some 25 year olds behave like teenagers, coping with the death of a high-school mate, trying to find their purpose in live and love. The script is so lame that I had to force myself to even finish this movie. Stay away from it. 1/10