The Ouija Exorcism
The Ouija Exorcism
R | 06 October 2015 (USA)
The Ouija Exorcism Trailers

In 1985 an exorcist locked a demonic spirit inside a Ouija board. Now, when his grandson stumbles upon the board game, the evil is unleashed and free to torment those responsible for its banishment.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
danocaster Amazing that a movie like this could even be released. I don't know what camera they used to film this but the picture was horribly dark and the sound was terrible. As far as any exorcism goes there was nothing scary or interesting. I generally like low budget horror films but this was next to nothing.The acting was bad although I kind of feel bad for the actors who probably knew they were making crap.Seriously, these type of films give horror films a bad name. I can't get over the awful camera work. I wonder if someone shot this on an i phone or a cheap camcorder. Avoid at all costs. Go watch The Exorcist if you want to see a great demon film!
jackstupidjack Ignoring the cretinous and obvious 'shill review' here asking that the actors get Oscars (if they're being 'ironic', they failed badly), I can agree with most reviews here that this is a pretty dire film. I can agree with the shill that 'The Academy' should indeed recognise this film if only to make sure that all involved, cast and crew at ALL levels of this steaming pile of horse manure are never allowed near a film set, word processor or production studio again until they die. From what is a reasonable premise the film rapidly descends into utter nonsense, and dreadfully poorly acted and scripted nonsense at that. All in all a hideous mess. If you're looking for Halloween scares you won't find them here.
cliometrician This is the third exorcism movie that I have watched and posted about this week,the others being: THE VATICAN TAPES, and THE EXORCISM OF MOLLIE HARTLEY. I gave them a rating, respectively, of 6 and 1/2, and 5 and 1/2. I judge all such movies not against all horror movies but just against other exorcism movies.Now I am an aficionado of exorcism movies, so I give a grade of 3 just to begin with, and 4 is the worst I've ever given to one, and this one belongs in that category, far inferior to the two movies cited above.I don't even have the energy to lay out the entire plot, just as the writers had no energy to deliver a coherent or suspenseful plot. Very briefly, a Ouija Board here serves just like the Dybbuk box in the movie, THE POSSESSION. The demon Belial was placed there long before when the main character, Joe, was a boy. It got out when he fooled around with the board, possessed the kid, people were slaughtered, the demon was banished back to the board, yada, yada, yada.It's now some 30 years later and time for Joe's son to find the Ouija board and give it a spin. Here comes Belial again, quickly possessing one character, then changing to another, etc. etc. This took place at the cabin where Joe and son are visiting. Naturally, the hot girl next door is also a shaman. Of course she is. She knows to whip out salt to make a safe circle, whisks a knife out of nowhere, and knows what Joe has to do to exorcise the demon: read from the Book of Psalms, in Hebrew (Joe grew up in a Jewish family), and do so standing in the swimming pool.Joe's son, Noah, gets possessed and Joe is trying to coax him into the pool, when the Shaman hits Noah on the head with a big stick and utters: "The book was taking too long." Three dead bodies and the demon gone, and mercifully the movie comes to an end.
mdzema-59477 Not only is this the scariest movie I have ever seen, but every single actor and actress should get an academy award for their acting skills. MLG 10/10 There are many things I could do with 85 minutes of my time, but nothing beats watching this awesome amazing movie. I might just put this on repeat because I've never seen a better movie in my 24 years of living. If we were to make a time capsule for future generations , the only thing that we would need is a copy of this movie and a wax figurine of Donald Trump. I hope that movies like this will pave the way for future directors to show how movies should be made. The Ouija Exorcism is a gripping horror movie that keeps you on the edge of your seat at all times.