The Old Man and the Sea
The Old Man and the Sea
| 25 March 1990 (USA)
The Old Man and the Sea Trailers

Based on the novel by Ernest Hemingway. Santiago goes out on his usual fishing trip and makes a huge catch, the biggest of his life. Then a shark attacks and tries to steal his catch.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
lmiller_10 This was not a film worthy of Tony Quinn. It pales when compared with the Spencer Tracy version. The Quinn effort did not follow the book except a little. People were brought in for some unknown reason who were not in the book and didn't add anything to the story line. The original was a LOT better and followed the book almost to the letter. I realize that the original version was become hard to find, but I bet a look on ebay, Google, or Amazon would turn up a copy. I think that you would really enjoy it. I have a copy of the original Spenser Tracy version and plan to watch it with the book in hand to see how close it is to the book
docterd262004 WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!! I have seen this movie and well it isn't the best movie but it was pretty good. I also read the book and there are lots of differences. The book and the movie starts off as Santiago not catching a fish for 85, or so, days. But his luck is about to change. The characters are different and some of the conflicts are different because there is a part of the book where Santiago starts talking to the sea gull. They tooked that part it out of the movie maybe because they couldn't get the bird to land. But the movie was pretty good at making the scenes look pretty good because there are lots of movies that look really fake. The movie was kind of different from the book because in the book Santiago had dreams of lions on the beach and in the movie, Santiago had just flash backs about when he was getting. The only flash back that they had in the book and in the movie was the arm wrestling match back when he was young. Also in the movie, Santiago had a sister that was living in the city, and in the book, Santiago was lonely other then the boy that was with him all the time. The boy in the book was named Manolin but in the movie, it was Manalo (I think). But the only fake part in the movie was when the sharks had eaten the marlin. At first the marlin only had pieces of the body taken off and then when Santiago was heading towards the shore, the marlin's bones were the only thing showing and his head. The bones look like pieces of cardboard sticking out. The new parts of the movie such as the sister did kind had meaning to the book because in the book, he was lonely, and in the movie the sister didn't do anything to try to help him. So it's like Santiago was lonely. The movie did help me understand the book better because at first I thought that Santiago was only fishing with a piece of the fishing line, but he did use a bamboo stick as a fishing rod. (Even though it didn't make a different because he still cut his hand).
denashiam Warning some spoilers below!!!!I've read the book, The Old Man and the Sea, and the movie wasn't exactly the same as the book, but the movie was very similar. The old man and the Sea is a classic book and many of you may have read it. The movie did cover almost every detail the book had, but it added its own touch to the movie. For one, the old man didn't have a daughter in the story or was the family even mentioned. The actress who played the daughter wasn't a very good actress. She didn't even add anything to the outline of the story. There was no point in her being in the movie at all. The old man and the sea movie wasn't a movie I would go out to see in the movie theater. It was port of an assignment in my reading class, but overall it was okay. The actor who played the old man did an excellent job in portraying the man and his adventures. To me, the story was kind of better in the sense of length because it really stressed the situations. The movie made it seem as if everything happened in a matter of 2 days, but the book made it seem as if the adventures lasted maybe a week. The part where he's catching the marlin tool like 5 minutes and the book said that it took days for him to catch the fish. The book and the story were good and if you like educational movies; this is the one for you. But, if you are like me don't watch it unless you have to. I rate the movie a 7 out of 10 because it was okay, but it wasn't all that.
MigVazquez WARNING…THIS MIGHT BE A SPOILER! I think that the movie that my class saw in school was very boring and it sucked because the director added new characters to the movie like the old man's daughter, and Ernest Hemingway. The old man's daughter sucked because she didn't even try to sound likes she had an accent and she looked too white to be Cuban. It was boring because it was about how Ernest came up to write the book. It was partly confusing with the new character; they made the meaning of the story worst and made it harder for you to find the meaning of the movie. Our class also read the book before seeing the movie and even though the book was boring the movie was worse. If you see the movie after reading the book you might like it if you liked the book, but if you didn't like the book, don't see the movie because it is going to be a waste of time and it won't help at all in creating images in your head. In the movie the old man looks stupid when he is out in the sea fishing for the marlin and he talks to the birds flying around and to himself. The movie was not that different from the book, they only added some new things but it did not help at all adding the parts because Ernest was in the movie writing the Old Man and The Sea. The end was crappie because the old man did not sleep and the marlin, that piece of crap didn't even look real, it looked like a plastic big fish. The old man kept talking to the boy and in the movie he didn't even talk about DiMaggio. So I'm warning you don't waste your time watching this crappie movie.