The Norseman
The Norseman
PG | 05 October 1978 (USA)
The Norseman Trailers

An 11th-century Viking prince sails to America to find his father, who on a previous voyage had been captured by Indians.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
classic_mustanger You know, you guys shouldn't bash this movie. Its pretty damn sad that most people on this site have no lives and watch everybody else's spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes. I really liked the movie ever since I was a little kid, and now because of the movie I can bench press over 300lbs. It was a damn inspiration. Do you honestly expect every damn detail to be 100% correct ? Big deal... "OHHHHH, Black people, or Indian's" Who cares ????? Maybe if you had dreams when u were a kid, you would understand..... You know whats a stupid movie ? Romeo and Juliet... Now thats a stupid movie.. The book is great, the movie is very stupid. And you know what else is stupid ? GEORGE W. BUSH !
schles-1 Let's take into account, first of all, the casting. Start with David Deacon Jones as a Black Viking. Add Freddy Biletnikoff at wide rece...oops, a white Viking. Mix in Chuck Pierce, Jr., coincidentally the son of the guy who is credited as the producer, director and writer. It than goes steadily downhill to a strange mix of pro., semi-pro, and amateur "actors" that amounts to the most motley excuse for a cast that could possibly be assembled. The musical score is out of wack,the dialogue absurd, the costumes seem straight out of a junior high class play and the story makes no sense. Add it all up and the sum of the parts equals a mess so bad that even an aficianado of bad movies (me) could not find any enjoyment in suffering through the silly proceedings. I dare any normal human being over the age of 8 to watch this from beginning to end.
j-zak I am sitting at home watching THE NORSEMAN on TV, trying to pick my incredulous chin up off the floor. This movie must be seen by film students so they can learn everything NOT to do in making a movie. For example: Lee Majors (THORVALD) and the boy playing his Norse son deliver arch dialog in southern American accents...The Caucasian looking Indians with perfect Herbal Essence hairstyles...and perfect teeth..(that tribe must have a really good dental plan) Lee Majors sports a late 1970's mustache and hair style...He probably was on hiatus from a series and refused to restyle his hair...The Max Factor warpaint on the Indians' faces...and the lack of "Light Egyptian" on their bodies...Irish actress, Kathleen Freeman, as an old Indian woman... The "ultra realistic" Canadian location (NOT!), complete with palm trees and Spanish Moss... How did they get the money to make this thing? Where can I get some for my films??? This film is like a train wreck....painful to watch but absolutely riveting in its awfulness. The only area that deserves praise is the cinematography...the exteriors look pretty good... the cinematographer must have picked up the gig to pay for a fishing expedition or a vacation to Hawaii... In the words of many a great Norseman, .....Oy Vey!!!
ragosaal The only explanation for this product to ever have been made is that director and actors where on vacation in some Caribbean beach and just for fun they decided to make a movie with one of them's hand camera.Besides a plot neither better nor worse than others we have seen -Torvald is a viking prince sailing in search of his father captured by American Indians- the point with this "film" is that no one in it (director, actors and crew) shows the minimum interest or effort in getting somewhere. Producers, if there were any, definitely decided not spend a dollar in "The Norsman". There's no script, no settings, no music score, no backgrounds (except nature), no nothing.The cast is cheap too. Lee Majors (Torvald) could never act and the same goes to Cornel Wilde (his sidekick Ragnar). Fine actors like Mel Ferrer (Torvald's father) and Jack Elam (some sort of wizard) were by then on their way back in their carriers and they don't even appear much.No tension, no climax, no interest in what may happen, no nothing.Probably the worst film ever in its genre. ¡Mama Mìa!!!