The Night of the Sharks
The Night of the Sharks
| 01 April 1988 (USA)
The Night of the Sharks Trailers

David must fight for his life against the gangsters who killed his brother for a CD filled with proof of their illegal activities. When David gets possession of the CD they go down to Mexico where David lives as a shark hunter. Who will get David first, the gangsters or the shark?

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Woodyanders Beach bum David Zeigler (Treat Williams slumming for an easy paycheck) finds his life in jeopardy when he gets pitted against a bunch of gangsters who killed his brother in order to gain possession of a CD with proof of their illegal activities. Moreover, David also has to deal with a pesky shark who has some kind of personal vendetta against him.The slack direction by Tonino Ricci alas lets the ridiculously convoluted and meandering story drag at an often sluggish pace, but at least takes decent advantage of the local color and locations in the exotic Dominican Republic setting. Tito Cari's murky script offers more talk than action and boasts several incredibly strained plot contrivances. The whole subplot about David and the shark comes across as pretty silly and laughable, but at least delivers a few choice absurd moments which include a particularly priceless gut-busting sequence in which the shark attempts to steal David's boat (!). Fortunately, the solid cast keeps this picture watchable: John Steiner has a field day as smooth lead villain Rosentski, Antonio Fargas contributes an utterly engaging turn as David's laid-back buddy Paco, the beauteous Janet Agren provides some tasty eye candy, and Christopher Connelly does well in his last role as friendly priest Father Mattia. Both Stevio Cipriani's funky-throbbing music and Giovanni Bergamini's slick cinematography are up to speed. An okay diversion.
shawhore Treat Williams is ineffectual pretty much throughout the film in a flick with little production value or any coherence, plot-wise. The film does however redeem itself with a typical assured John Steiner turn; making the most of a script - what at best can only be described as farcical and even Italian horror muse Janet Agren finds the task of adding some much needed glamour to the film a hopeless impossibility. But before I completely write off this film; hats off to the Tiger Shark's performance - which by the way, stole the show.All in all, a Pulsatingly mediocre film. Good for comedy value.5 stars for the Shark!
Wizard-8 Just a few years before this movie, it seemed that American actor Treat Williams was becoming a major star. So it's seems puzzling as to what he is doing in a low budget Italian movie. Despite the different environment, Treat does seem to be trying hard, but his valiant efforts aren't enough to save the movie. Though it's only 86 minutes long, it feels much longer, with barely a plot on display and scene after scene passes by where little to nothing actually happens. There also isn't that much action, and the little there is isn't for the most part particularly exciting. The movie does look somewhat better than other Italian B movies made around this time - it's nicely shot (both on land and under water), the scenery looks good, and the remaining production values are somewhat slicker than usual. But as you may know, a good look does little when you are saddled with a sorry script.
spj-4 What's to like about this movie???It is in colour! It has some impressive underwater photography! It has a rhythmic musical score in the background that works well at times! So 3 out of 10! Sometimes the music is speeded up! Especially when the shark or the baddies are about to move in! Sometimes it is slowed! As if to convey to the audience it's about to be time for sympathy! As another one bites the dust! As if in a "spagetti Western" this has much similarity to! It's not that the Italians can't produce quality productions! There was a series of TV movies with a heading like "Octopus" numbered about 1 to 7, screened on SBS TV in Australia in the 1990s about mafia-type conflicts! And they were excellent! But alas, you won't find it here!!!I assumed it was made about 1960s! Sadly it was 20 years out of date, as evidenced by a funeral scene near the end! Then there was the razor-sharp bite of the speedy shark that makes for a red dust repeatedly emerging in the bluish waters! Amidst it all, either in bar-room brawl or in observing the latest sea-side bloody demolition by the relentlessly hungry shark, the mate of the hero looks on through his glasses of little concern, as if he too was bored in his relentless role amidst a lack of much evidence of plot or anyone's character development! At least the hero indicates a fleeting concern belatedly, for his ex-wife! But of course, even if the music fails to awaken our realisation, we have the sinister sound in the baddies' voices, as if to nudge us that another dark deed is about to emerge! And near the end, someone thought of a twist! Just when we thought it was all totally predictable! But stay tuned, folks, for you may find another twist! If you are watching closely! To, more or less, warm your heart! Follow the advice of the hero, and have a few beers along the way! It'll make your viewing of "Night of the Sharks" more enjoyable! Then you'll be ready for something like a "007" movie to ease your way back into reality when this is over!!!