The Mysterious Monsters
The Mysterious Monsters
G | 01 July 1976 (USA)
The Mysterious Monsters Trailers

One of the many notorious 70's "unknown" documentaries, The Mysterious Monsters covers topics such as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. Pictures, sounds, and videos of these two monsters are examined by Peter Graves, the host. Psychics, hypnotism, and the history of Bigfoot in many ancient cultures is also scrutinized.

Cortechba Overrated
HeadlinesExotic Boring
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
KB Forget that Bigfoot is a modern-day myth. Suspend your disbelief and just enjoy it. The Mysterious Monsters is pure escapist fun, an Alice- in-Wonderland rabbit hole to lose yourself in for an hour-and-a-half. Peter Graves, with his disarming, matter-of-fact voice, nearly talks us all into believing this nonsense, and that's really the point, isn't it? We've all heard campfire stories, and that's really all this is, a campfire story set to celluloid. I admit that it may just be the nostalgia talking--I first saw this when I was an impressionable adolescent. And that may very well be the appeal it has, taking me back to a time when the world was still filled with wonder, when anything was believable and I was ready to believe it all, just so life wouldn't seem so disappointingly normal. Anyone who grew up in the 70s will understand that, I think. So, pop that popcorn, pretend you're eight-years-old again, and escape the humdrum for an hour-and-a-half. It just might do you some good.
kennymacdonald the film now is dated and some of the proof they show in it has been hoaxed[the famous photo of the loch ness monster]and grover krantz has passed away yet some of the stories that were presented were very good and still hold up[real or otherwise].
quincyspalmd The movie, "The Mysterious Monsters", is a fantastic movie! It tells the story of the phenomenon known as BIGFOOT. From the beginning of the phenomenon to the current day (As of 1975) history, this documentary movie covers all of the bases! It uses eyewitness evidence, video evidence, film evidence, footprint evidence, as well as alot of other investigative techniques, to establish that our planet is in fact home to these elusive creatures. It asks the question, "If fingerprint evidence can be used to hang someone,why can't footprint evidence be used to prove the existence of someone?" And the evidence does in fact prove that these creatures are real. This is a very interesting movie, and if and when the day comes that Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster, who is also discussed in this movie, are proven beyond ANY doubt, this movie will make the headlines for being way ahead of it's time! It is a crime that this movie isn't available on video or DVD. It deserves to be! Check it out.
rodcorvo I saw this film on telivision and t was a lot better than I had expected but it wasnt anything special. Its a documentry mostly focused on bigfoot and the yeti. Some of the scenes were bigfoot apears are mildly creepy. Anyway it had a lot of flaws but I'll give it 2 and a half stars.RECCOMENDED FOR BIGFOOT FANS AND SOMEBODY WHO HAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO.