The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek
NR | 12 December 1943 (USA)
The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek Trailers

A small-town girl with a soft spot for American soldiers wakes up the morning after a wild farewell party for the troops to find that she married someone she can't remember.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
jc-osms Another rollicking satirical contemporary comedy from its brilliant writer / director Preston Sturges, taking pot-shots at religion, family values and local politics as well as sailing as close to the prevailing movie censor standards as it dares, all in all a typical piece of work from the 40's wunderkind. Betty Hutton is the small-time far-from-bashful beautiful blonde, the rebellious daughter of the local hard-bitten policeman, as-crusty-as-ever William Demarest, herself introduced to us in a hilarious basso-profundo mime sequence in a music store. When the US army comes to town, determined to show the boys in uniform a good time, she ropes in her dorkish schoolboy-admirer, Eddie Bracken, to provide her with an alibi as well as transport to a series of all night parties where she goes all army-groupie, determined to see the boys off into battle with shall we say, a smile on their faces. She hits her head at one point, the next morning having only a vague recollection that she may have married a soldier and not unnaturally fallen pregnant in the process. Instant, immaculate conception, you better believe it!From there, the movie follows a suitably crazy-course to its six-static conclusion with the hapless Bracken prepared to make any sacrifice for the girl, although most usually doing so at the point of Demarest's gun. Hutton, thankfully, sees sense and becomes devoted to her infatuated beau, brought to earth too by the ministrations of her 14-going-on-41 piano-playing kid sister, Diana Lynn. Fans of the director will get a kick out of previous Sturges characters, cash-in politicians Brian Donlevy and Akim Tamiroff reprising their roles from "The Great McGinty" trying to get a piece of the populist action which in the wake of Trump's election could hardly be more topical.My only criticisms would be that Bracken overdoes the Klutz routine a bit too much as overly-normal Norvel Jones plus there are probably too many pratfalls for my taste, but there's comedy gold in scenes where Demarest is trying to encourage Bracken to "escape" from his prison, the worldwide reaction to the sextuplets ("Hitler Demands Recount!") and Bracken's own reaction to the births at the very end, as he mouths "Which one's mine"? and then gets his answer.As ever, Sturges displays his mastery of pacing, overlapping non-stop dialogue and crowd management. It was just coincidence that I watched it so close to Christmas but what a festive treat it was.
SmileysWorld I'm not sure how this was brought to the big screen without a hitch..It seems to have at least a small percentage of the charm you would see in (dare I compare?) any Andy Hardy film made during the day,this film takes an interesting step into the risqué.A going away party is thrown for some soon to be deployed servicemen and a girl (who disappoints a long admiring young man who is staying home) ends up married and pregnant (insert in drawn breath here..that word was banned at the time),but does not know to who because she had too much "lemonade"(as it was referred to here)..While I do love most films of the 40's,this one loses points,both for it's risqué content and Eddie Bracken's annoying stutter..This was a long awaited viewing because for some reason it is not currently available on DVD.Had to blow the dust off of my now seldom used VCR for this one after purchasing a cheap VHS copy.Perhaps I should have kept waiting..
nomoons11 I sat on this one for a long time. Finally got up the gumption to watch it and I have to say it was very easy to see why it's considered Sturges greatest film.I won't go into too much detail about the specifics of the film but it's just about a girl who convinces/uses her so called boyfriend to use him as an excuse to go to a dance for departing GI'S. She then proceeds to get married and then pregnant in the process. Chaos ensues. Pretty fun chaos.Every character in this film is just so memorable. They're all deadpan funny in almost every scene. Sturges just had the knack for pickin' the right cast...and this one was perfect in every way.That's not to say I didn't have any quibbles about this little gem. Of course we ll know that Sturges always puts a comedic light on serious subjects but his one stunned me. How did it get by the censors back in its day? For me, all I could think how could anyone make funny about a GI knocking up/marrying a girl who was knocked out? Isn't that kinda wrong? By the end I knew what was in store. The girls poor hapless so called boyfriend decides to do the honorable thing and take care of all her kids.It's quite obvious that this film is just that good, but I took a few exceptions to the content and making it into a comedy. Could have easily been a really good drama. As it was givin' to us, don't miss this one, it's a certified winner.
bkoganbing In the Paramount All Star spectacular Star Spangled Rhythm, Betty Hutton does a number called Doin' My Bit For Defense. In The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek, Betty does in fact really give her all to the boys going over there.How Preston Sturges got this one past the censors is beyond me. Not only the fact that it deals with illegitimate births in a light hearted way, but it shows the fighting men of the US Armed Services in a less than favorable light during World War II. But because he did this film holds up remarkably well. I like it almost as much as I like my favorite Preston Sturges film, Sullivan's Travels.Betty Hutton as Trudy Kockenlocker of Morgan's Creek feels it her patriotic duty to give her all for our fighting men. One night she does just that, she can't remember whom she might have married that night, if anyone and is left quite pregnant. Though how much pregnant we don't know until the end of the film.Eddie Bracken is her poor dumb schnook of a boyfriend who's a 4-F and he's willing to take the rap. William Demarest is caught between wanting to strangle the guilty party and seeing someone make an honest woman of Hutton. All this is watched with some amused detachment by Hutton's younger sister Diana Lynn.The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek got Preston Sturges an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay. Sad to say though Sturges was up against himself that year because he was also nominated in the same category for Hail The Conquering Hero. Both lost to 20th Century Fox's solemn biographical film Wilson.This film is Betty Hutton's best screen role in my humble opinion. And quite possibly the same for Eddie Bracken. Certainly no other director was able to utilize the personalities of both these performers as well as Preston Sturges.This is one eternal comedy classic, absolutely don't miss this.