The Miracle of Marcelino
The Miracle of Marcelino
PG | 09 November 1955 (USA)
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Left on the doorstep of a monastery as an infant, Marcelino was raised by the monks. He was well-cared for but lonely and missed having a mother. One day he found a special friend in the forbidden attic, hanging on a cross. A friend that would repay Marcelino's kindness by granting him one heart-felt wish.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
eragonbookfan A film with some heart & charm to it; I am a Bible-believing Christian, who does believe in miracles, and do believe that Jesus Christ is God the Son, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of world. Redemption and salvation are free through Him, and He is the Creator of all things.However, Catholicism is NOT Christian! By any historical, biblical, or spiritual elements. You have, of course, in the story, a boy talking to an IDOL of Jesus... which comes alive. lol wut? The 2nd Commandments (which Catholic "churches" omit) states, "You shall not make any graven images (idols."I'd say this is no more than a touchy, good-feeling propaganda film to try to pull at your heart strings that'll convince you to join Catholicism, which is the Great Whore spoken about in Revelation 17. I love catholics but hate the false catholic teachings and beliefs that are contrary to the Word of G-d . Jesus did NOT establish the catholic organization. Catholicism is unbiblical, anti-biblical and anti-Christian. The early church as described in the New Testament did the following: shared all things in common, relationships, support missionaries/ministers, teaching & preaching, praying, worshiping, reading of scripture, evangelism, fostering spiritual gifts. Nowhere does the NT dictate fancy buildings, robes, repetitive prayer, a priesthood, Mary worship, worship of the dead, sectarianism, or any order of service, etc.. All these are MAN-MADE traditions ADDED ON. If i do not use any & all opportunities to point out the error of the catholic cult ( or Buddhist cult, Mormom cult, Hindu cult, Muslim cult, JW cult, etc. ) to you guys, then your blood is on my hands. Turn from the pope and instead trust Jesus ALONE. Catholicism is FAR from the "church" that Jesus founded which taught love and forgiveness, where as it teaches idolatry and superstition. Jesus founded His church on what Peter SAID: "the Christ, the Son of the Living G-d ".While the Catholic "church" was seeking to control the world through religion, true Christians were running for their lives from the Catholic holocaust that ran for centuries. The Catholic empire murdered and killed Christians (like 50 million) who had a Bible in their house during the Middle ages. Because the satanic inspired papacy did NOT want people to read it.The Catholic "church" is heterodox & corrupted by neo-Babylonian Semiramis paganism and is the Great Whore riding on the Beast of the book of Revelation. So yes there is a valid schism between Protestant Christians and the Roman Empire. The Empire is not following the Bible and has changed laws and times (the Sabbath) so I grant there is a schism.Catholicism was responsible for the Crusades, with a corrupt pope and the knights of templar, it was an illuminate organized war... The ppl had no say, they weren't Christians, just claimed they were. If they were real Christians they would have valued life & not slain a million non-combatants, I understand why you have these anti-Christian views, because so many evil doors have claimed to be Christians & raped the image of Christianity, it shouldn't be about religion like Catholicism, it should be about the Lord & His great works & Message."I believe the spreading of Catholicism to be the most horrible means of political and social degradation left in the world."~ Charles Dickens3/10 for some heart, cute images, and pretty music. ‎
azlacary It is funny to see some comments that say that this film is awful and propagandistic. First for a Catholic to die and go to heaven is a bless (actually the biggest bless), so I don't understand why so many people get offended or shock by the idea. Second, if you don't believe in god or have the Catholic views of religion, it is okay, you may want to see it as a piece of fiction or just as another story, I don't get why there can be a reason to get offended or say that the film is bad.I saw this film as a kid many times and I never got to be "psychological traumatized" or anything likely and probably is the kind of film I would not mind my kids to see.If you want to see a good 1950's film, this is it. I have to be honest, it is not perfect, but is really good for its time.
ma-cortes The film starts in a long flashback narrated by a priest(Fernando Rey), he tells how an abandoned baby is picked up by monks residing in a monastery ruled by a humble Father Superior(Rafael Rivelles). The little boy named Marcelino(Pablito Calvo) who lost his mother and became a pure and simple of heart kid devoted friend of Crucified Jesus.Meanwhile, he gets into mischiefs, he plays and puts nicknames to monks, as Brother Door(Antonio Vico),Brother Cookie(Juan Calvo), Brother Bad(Mariano Azaña), Fray Giles(Juanjo Menendez) and Brother Ding Dong(Joaquin Roa).But in a touching scenes, Marcelino finds at the loft to Jesus and gives him bread and wine, then happen an ecstasy at the final.This a sensible and feeling movie full of mirth,humor touches, and enjoyable message based on novel by Jose Maria Sanchez Silva.At the same time the film gives us an agreeable panorama about monastery life, its pity and goodness; furthermore, the oration, sacrifice, work,companionship and various situations happen in monastic existence.Its perfect developing resides on superb characters well played by all casting monks and the sympathy, simplicity of Pablito Calvo-Marcelino. Musical score by Pablo Sorozabal responds appropriately to the ambient, originating a religious atmosphere . Precious and luminous cinematography by Enrich Guerner(Vadja's ordinary)who give us an accurate scenario of the times is developed . The motion picture is excellently directed by Ladislao Vadja, born in Hungary, he's author of magnificent movies, such as 'The Bait', and 'Cord of prisoners', and three with Pablito Cavo: 'An Angel over Brooklyn'( along with Peter Ustinov) and 'Uncle Jacinto'( with Antonio Vico). In my opinion this is one of the best films to come out of Europe in the decade of the 50s.The picture touched the hearts of numerous spectators around the world. Rating: Above average.
ccthemovieman-1 Wow, this was stunning, both in photography and in content. Here's a nice, old-fashioned "religious story" you rarely see anymore. The English title goes under "The Miracle Of Marcelino." It's a simple tale of a group of monks who discover a baby at their monastery doorstep one morning and then raise the boy. They try to find suitable parents for the infant but are unsuccessful. The infant scenes don't run too long because, before you know it, they have fast-forwarded it to when the boy was six years of age....and that's where he stays until the end of the film.Pablito Calvo as the title character, Marcelino," is excellent. Kudos to cinematographer Heinrich Gartner for beautiful black-and-white photography. The DVD transfer was outstanding, too. The lighting, particularly on faces, is terrific.Other reviewers here at IMDb, such as Albert Sanchez Moreno, have described the story nicely. I will just add I found it oddly captivating the entire way and very touching and moving in the last 20 minutes or so, after the boy discovers the big statue of Christ and begins communicating with Him. Yeah, I'm sure it looks really far-fetched to almost everyone, especially non-Believers, but I enjoyed and marveled at the end of this film. I'm not quite sure what to make of the monks in here and why they would "warn" the young boy against going up in the attic, where the statue is located, unless they somehow supernaturally knew what was going to happen.....yet they still should have put their trust in Christ, anyway. Their actions are puzzling at times. There is a real mystery to this story overall, anyway. Not being Catholic, maybe I missed something in the translation. This is a very "Catholic" film but a Christ-believing Protestant as I am can still fully appreciate this story, too, as much as anyone, and I did.You'll never find this at a rental store but those you are curious, you might want to add it to your queue if you belong to one of those mail-in rental programs. This film was a collaboration of Spanish and Italian filmmakers, I think. There was a color re-make in the early '90s, but I haven't seen it.It's a film of tender "innocence" like few I've ever seen, which makes it very memorable.