The Mangler Reborn
The Mangler Reborn
| 29 November 2005 (USA)
The Mangler Reborn Trailers

A decade after the original massacre, another man obsessed over his machine ends with several murders and possession.

Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Devan Lilly Mangler two goes something like this robot talk to dumb man dumb man fixes machine then dies then he's the machine from here he kills all of the characters with that silly hammer swing. Some of my issues with mangler are it was 1 unrealistic fails to give explanations - The guy Hadley was poor as introduce by his wife Beatrice Watson how did he afford the modification through the house like the brick walls he adds and the reinforced doors. - You never see how he became a robot blender does not equal robot transformation. - Why was he chosen by a smart robot there are tons of people more qualified to do the job the robot need it to do. -The hammer he hit them with and the way he hit them would not make them pass out I own a hammer like that its rubber he just didn't seem he was hitting them hard enough. - There was one scene I didn't think would happen and in no world should it have happened even in fiction. The character Hadley the "robot" jumps through this small vent that I a small person could not fit through. -Hadley kills rick with weird ease what happened there? Poor acting-I think I saw the girl Jamie smile once or twice during bad scenes3- The end plot twist was weak we all knew Hadley was a "robot".
innocuous I watch a lot of bad movies...really. (I average watching 15 to 20 movies a week, most of which are independents, or B-movies.) Sometimes bad movies make me mad. (Why am I being treated like I'm an idiot? What talented person didn't get to make his movie because the studio spent it on this piece of junk?) Sometimes I'm sad. (What a horrible treatment of a book/story/author I like! What a botched opportunity!) TMR just makes me shake my head. I understand what the writers were trying for, but somewhere between the word processor and the screen, everything broke down. The movie is made competently, in the sense that the film is properly exposed and all the props seem to work, but everything else is pretty much hosed up.As an aside, I can pick locks fairly well (not as good as a decent locksmith, but better than your college room-mate) and I usually have two or three sets of picks, or a portable combination tool, with me in my car all the time. I can tell you with 80% certainty just by looking at a lock whether or not I'm probably going to be able to get it. After a minute or two of working on it, I can usually tell you whether I'll EVER be able to pick it successfully. And I sure as heck never pick a lock open that I can't pick closed, or allow myself to be locked into an area from which I can't escape.BTW, all the characters are jackasses and they all die.
wolfbeast I honestly can't believe that this bears the same title as the first Mangler movie. It has very little to do with the original story and is more a tale of someone going obsessive and totally losing it than it has anything to do with possession. The contraption he builds based on an apparently antique machine is a strange gathering of knives and cleavers attached to rickety arms, that looks more like a kid's attempt at building a "machine" than anything else. Kudos for the main "possessed" guy's acting though, he is totally devoid of emotion, but otherwise, the acting is horrible, the plot (what plot?) is horrible, full of holes like for instance some big burly guy not being able to find his way out of a large wooden house... Come on! It's by far the worst execution of a gore horror movie I have ever seen put to video.Avoid this one folks, you'll want the 1.5 hours of your life back after having watched it.
drnrg31 First off, I do not watch horror movies for their ability to be realistic and smart. These movies never are! I watch them to see old horror movie actors and gore. With that said. Yes their are things I didn't enjoy about the movie, Mainly the supporting actors and the Mangler Machine, but aside from that I was entertained.First off it was such a treat to see horror genre favs like, Reggie Bannister(Phantasm 1-4) and Aimee Brooks(critters) Even though ,I know that was not her in the shower scene. The plot is simple, but weak.Some old repairman purchases the old Mangler machine and decides to restore it. That is before it completely takes over his soul. Now he must go door to door and find female victims in order to appease the machine's hunger for human flesh. So he visits Aimee Brooks. Yes she is his first victim. A nice change of pace to attack the heroine first. She puts up a nice fight, but is captured(in broad daylight) and taken to the forbidden house.Next come Reggie Bannister and his son(really bad actor). They are a father -son burglary pair who have chosen the Mangler's house to break in. Evidently Reggie did not case it out so good as to not notice the windows were all bricked up. Reggie enters the house and begins to find that things are not what they seem. There is a real funny part where he Radios his son(they use Walkie Talkies) from a room full of blood. Somehow he doesn't seem to notice the blood until he sees it the second time. The house itself looks like a mansion from outside , but once inside, it is reduced to a kitchen, a basement and five rooms on the upstairs floor, but it works because it gives the house that "trapped inside "effectThere are a few more victims thrown in there to add length to the movie. Like the repairman's daughter. They really caught the possessed feel, when he kills her without a second thought, but their screen time is really not worth mentioning.I enjoyed the movie(enough to watch it a few times), but the Mangler aspect could have been left out. The movie would have worked better just being about some serial killer, who stalked victims and ate them, or whatever. The movie is really about their ability, or should I say inability to escape this house. The two buglers especially. The pace is slow(I notice that bothers a lot of people), but it works for me, because it adds to the tension, that these people are really trapped with no escape and the fact that the only thing they know about their demise is that it causes endless screams of pain, also adds to the torture feel of the film. The writers/directors should have given Aimee Brooks and Reggie Bannister more screen time. and especially Aimee, more running away from stalker time, like in the beginning of the film. Her character (who picks the worst places to hide) was actually pretty smart and it would have been nice to see that when she finally came face to face with the machine, she should have just pulled the plug and kicked the fat guy in the nuts, right before bashing his head with his own rubber mallet.In the end there is a hint to an inevitable part four, which I will only watch if they manage to bring back Reggie Bannister.