The Man of My Life
The Man of My Life
| 11 October 2006 (USA)
The Man of My Life Trailers

A man vacationing in the country with his wife and children finds ideas he has of himself unexpectedly challenged.

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
asmailrabbit I really wanted to like this movie. The opening shots were beautiful, and there were some very well thought out and artistic angles and scenes throughout the movie, like many European films, but overall it failed for me. I first started noticing it when they began showing the beautiful gossamer fabric blowing in the doorway over and over and over again. Soon it became droning and devoid of the magical and suggestive quality it had in its first appearance. That didn't bother me too terribly much, but then it started happening with the two main characters, Hugo and Frederic. I realize that all the scenes with them sitting in the chairs in the dirt outside the house were probably each reminiscences on a single event, but it was still torturous. There were so many of those scenes, and they were boring. The dialogue seemed pretentious on Hugo's part, though in Frederic's fumbling, bumbling way he managed to remain somewhat charming. Still, I found myself praying that they wouldn't cut back to the boring chair scene. I vowed to fast forward after the fourth time, but I didn't. Couldn't they mix it up a little? Break up that conversation, talk and walk, talk and swim, SOMETHING else. I don't know what was so great about Hugo, anyway. He was a vulgar, rude, lecherous, run-of-the-mill playboy and he was a terrible dad. **/***** stars.
Roland E. Zwick Set in the stunningly beautiful Provencal region of France, "The Man of My life" looks at how both passion and responsibility play an equally crucial role in defining who we are and how we love.Frederic (Bernard Campan) and Frederique (Lea Drucker) are a happily married couple who enjoy entertaining large groups of people at the country home where they vacation. One day, Frederic invites their next door neighbor, a single gay man by the name of Hugo (Charles Berling), over for a get-together with family and friends. Soon, Frederic and Hugo have struck up a friendship largely centered on their mutual addiction to running and their propensity to talk the night away over such weighty matters as love, passion, responsibility, freedom, commitment and marriage. Hugo tries to convince Frederic that his role as dutiful husband and father has robbed him of his individuality and earlier lust for life, while Hugo, spurned by his father at a young age, comes to his own understanding of the importance of family by the end. There's an obvious sexual attraction between the two men, but the movie goes far beyond the typical coming-out drama to explore romantic passion in all its myriad complexities and forms.Frederic is torn between the desire to continue loving the wife who so obviously loves him and who has provided a stable home for him and their children - and this new found feeling for Hugo that he can, in no way, shape or form, even begin to understand. The movie never feels the need to judge any of the characters; it presents them simply as well-meaning but flawed human beings who struggle on a daily basis, as all of us do, with an array of emotions, needs and desires that continually come into conflict with one another.The screenplay by Zabou Breitman and Agnes de Sacy employs long, winding conversations to reveal the truths about the characters and the relationships that help to define them. Moreover, the sensuous, bucolic setting, far from being a mere backdrop to the foreground action, actually serves to pull us into the lives of these people as they while away a languid summer swimming, hiking and exploring the inner workings of their own roiled psyches.In his direction, Breitman has come up with interesting, slightly abstract ways of filming the commonplace details of everyday life, utilizing extreme close-ups, distorted angles, catawampus framing and mosaic-style storytelling to impart a lyrical tone to the film.Superb performances by the three leading players also add greatly to the emotional richness of the piece.With a great deal of insight and tenderness, "The Man of My Life" presents us with a subtly provocative, beautifully realized and psychologically complex view of the human heart.
arizona-philm-phan ..........or: "Fred Discovers He's Been Missing Something" (alternate title for this Comment).This is a love story........a falling-in-love story. Yes, it's a love story, pure and simp.... Oh, wait, it's not so simple after all. Just think how shattering it must be to have spent the majority of your adult life in a happy and loving heterosexual marriage.......only to have a day come along, like any ordinary day, until it changes to one in which you meet a someone of the same sex, and unexpectedly there starts the beginnings of a new love.In this "typically French" film, we're fairly quickly introduced to two men: Frederic ("F"), a seemingly happily married man with wife (Frederique), child and extended family residing in their vacation villa. We first see scenes not only of this fairly large group's family interactions, but also intimate interludes between just this man and his wife. Closeness, caressing and kissing abound in this couple's first scenes (but, wait.......we then discover that physical intercourse, on his part, seems to have become difficult to achieve). We then meet our second male lead, Hugo ("H"), a graphic designer who resides next door. He's an unashamedly "out" gay man who, through the course of the film, becomes as increasingly fascinating to our villa resident as that vacationer becomes to him. "H" is a man who happily and easily frequents a local gay bar, as well as "entertains" a string of handsome young men in his home. One of the first times we and Frederic are invited into H's home/studio we are confronted by a stunningly beautiful young god of a man----nude and seemingly levitated far above our heads in a semi-fetal sleeping position. It is an image that any famed museum/gallery in the world would die for. There is also an hours long conversation between just these two men, touching on life philosophy and love among other areas. We look in on it at various points throughout the entire film. It's during these hours, as their comfort with one another deepens, that we watch as Hugo becomes more touchy-feely with Frederic, who himself becomes more comfortably at ease. Revealingly, we then witness their time together coming to its early morning conclusion, with "H" leaving for home, while softly voicing to "F" the ultimate in personal compliments. I must ask here what would be your reaction, dear reader, if your newfound and liked, departing companion directed to you the words, "You're devastating?" Ah, yes.......well, for Frederic it obviously becomes the start of something completely new and different in his life.Complimenting these intensely personal and emotional scenes, there is a stunningly beautiful progression of outdoor / landscape scenes, one in particular showing a morning run, ankle-injured Frederic being carried home on Hugo's back, wending their way through a very large field of what appears to be blooming garlic (unusually lovely, to say the least), and then through a huge and magnificent field of sunflower blooms. Tellingly, "F's" arms are clasped around "H's" shoulders and neck, with the side of his face resting against the back of Hugo's head (and this is the scene unhappy wife, Frederique, sees upon their arrival at the villa). Shortly follows a quickening of the recuperating Frederic's feelings for the other man as we see him, half dozing on a patio lounge chair, sensing the presence of another, and finally opening his eyes to a quietly arrived and serious faced Hugo. A smile slowly lighting his features, "H" utters: "I came to see about you. I'll get back to work now." The look of self-satisfaction then appearing on "F's" face tells us more than could a thousand words.Perhaps the most significant indication of the depth of growth in the relationship of these two men occurs near film's end, upon Frederic's learning of Hugo's impending temporary departure from the area. Limping his way to seek out "H," he finds him outside the area's gay nightclub. Responding to Hugo's questions, "Why did you come? Why are you here? You want to tell me something?" Frederic responds: "You're leaving...." Frederic then approaches "H" to bring them standing as physically close as possible, forehead to forehead, eyes closed. After a few moments, "F" turns suddenly and departs (it is this scene's DVD Chapter heading that the film director has labeled: "In Love"----methinks she knows of what she speaks).Lastly, having just shortly ago spoken of Frederique ("F's" spouse), this movie can be pretty much described as one, long downhill slide for her, emotionally and relationship-wise. Her last scenes are ones of frantic---and nude---ravings over her perceived connubial losses.AND, as to what Fred's future lifestyle plans for himself are, you'll have to watch this film and decide for yourself. To help you through this a little, in his last scene he does say to his sleeping, small son: "I'm wobbly, imperfect, broken pawed, heart-in-tatters. I love you, but know I still have to grow up. I'll come back. I'll come back to spar with you again."So, dear readers of this page and viewers of this film, what do you think is the meaning of his final words........and what can they possibly portend for Hugo?(NOTE: There are some film negatives---a number of surreal-ish camera shots with little or no accompanying explanation. While sometimes pretty and catching, they do distract from forward movement, as do a number of, frankly, unneeded family activity scenes.)PS--If you're wondering about this Comment's title ("...little chair by the bed"), you'll just have to check out the film for yourself. Happy viewing.PPS--This film is becoming "Addictive" to me. ***Other such habit formers: "Just A Question Of Love" (Wow) / "Brokeback Mountain" / "Boy Culture" / "All Over The Guy" / "Second Skin" / "The Man I Love" / "Latter Days" / "The Mudge Boy".****
Gordon-11 This film is about a married man developing romantic feelings with a charming gay neighbour.The plot is simple but special. It is striking that the plot blurs the distinction between homosexuality and heterosexuality. The main character, Frédéric, is heterosexual but develops feelings for a man. Hugo, on the other hand, is homosexual but is revealed to have a child. It's a good way to say that love has no boundaries.The way Frédéric develops feelings for Hugo is beautiful. The gradual disintegration of Frédéric's marriage is portrayed well, and Frédérique's desperation in the end of the film is palpable. This film is beautiful and engaging. It deserves to be viewed by more people.