The Magic of Lassie
The Magic of Lassie
G | 02 August 1978 (USA)
The Magic of Lassie Trailers

Lassie is claimed from his family by a "former owner" and then braves a cross country trip to rejoin the ones that love her.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
kellydrz I LOVED this movie! I was probably 10 or 11 when I first saw this movie and I just cried and cried and cried. I didn't even have a dog when this movie came out and I was even afraid of dogs. But I even felt it when Lassie was taken away. Part of my appeal, too, was the soundtrack for this movie, which at the time, I thought was just great. I was very excited to actually recently find my favorite song from the movie (When You're Loved). And too, for some strange reason, I've always been a fan of Lane Davies and loved seeing him in this movie as well. I have told my daughter of this movie and we're planning on watching it tomorrow. I was not alive in the 50s to comment on Lassie then and Lassie now. All I know is it was a great boy/dog movie and it held my interest from beginning to end. This is definitely a family movie -- one I whole heartedly recommend. You will cheer, your children will cheer, and you will be closer for it.
Neil Doyle When THE MAGIC OF LASSIE opened at Radio City Music Hall, I was foolish enough to believe it would be as heart-warming as some of the first Lassie films were. Not.The story was abysmal, the songs by the Sherman brothers were way below their usual level, the characters were uninspired and JAMES STEWART and MICKEY ROONEY had both seen much better days.Then too, I was interested in seeing what ALICE FAYE's contribution would be like, since she'd been absent from the screen for so many years and was always so fetching in her earlier roles at Fox. Alice too, was letdown by the foolish script and the unflattering photography. Another disappointment.Nothing original here, nothing even remotely interesting for an adult to enjoy--and clearly, no magic present for anyone. You can skip this one without missing a thing.
The_Valley I'm not a fan of the show or any other movies lol but I enjoyed this one. I found it to be somewhat entertaining. The songs are corny and some of the things you'll see in this movie are weird (especially if you're a movie buff and know actors and actresses) and if you have kids they will enjoy it. It's a good family movie. 8/10 stars
calvertfan This is basically a revamp of Lassie Come Home. James Stewart is forced into giving up the family pet when a sly neighbour says she belongs to him. He takes the dog from California all the way to Colorado but naturally she escapes and makes her way home, just as Stewart's grandson runs away to find her. It's all one big cross country adventure that just doesn't come off as well as LCH. The young boy is annoying, the songs are awful, and Mickey Rooney's cameo with a wrestler friend is just downright strange. But, James Stewart is a treat as usual, really the perfect grandfather. 7/10