The Machine
The Machine
| 28 May 1994 (USA)
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This deftly made French psychological thriller terrifies with its exploration of an experiment gone horribly wrong. Dr. Marc Lacroix, a psychiatrist specializing in brain functions, is obsessed with the link between mind and spirit. To find his link he studies the criminally insane. He builds a secret machine, known only to his mistress Marianne, in which he hopes to exchange minds between humans. He simultaneously wants to help the mentally ill recover, and he wants to experience their madness. He chooses the psychotic killer, Zyto, a man who stabbed at least three women, for his experiment. The initial experiment is successful and the two exchange minds. But trouble ensues when Zyto refuses to reverse the switch. There is little Marc can do when Zyto takes over Marc's life, and more ominously his wife and child whom are unknowingly in mortal danger. Marc, encased in Zyto's body, is returned to the asylum. Will Marc's wife recognize the danger? Will Zyto kill again?

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Rpgcatech Disapointment
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Cem Lamb This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
suchenwi I wouldn't call La machine a perfect movie, but it is well done and gives good thrills mostly by fitting music and cinematography, while hardly displaying gore. You can create enough tension by just showing a door-knob slowly opening.Having seen 36 Quai d'Orfevres and Boudu in the last few days, I must say Gérard Depardieu is impressive in yet another type of role (or should we say, three?) Only in the end I lost track who is now in whose body...To blame this film to be a "pre-make" of Face/Off made three years later is obviously silly. But I notice quite some similarities with the cutely named "The Man Who Changed His Mind" (1936/I), with Boris Karloff - and, of course, many dissimilarities as well.I liked this movie, and give it 7/10.
ccthemovieman-1 This was one of those rare cases in which the opposite occurs: a movie that should have been stupid and hokey but turned out to be well-done and a good thriller. Yes, a very pleasant surprise.A man invents a machine which can switch the inward beings (at least the brain) of two humans so....the doctor winds up being a killer while the killer becomes him, the doctor in actions and thoughts. This "fact" is hidden because the two people still have the old face and body of the person they used to be, so no one else can see the two people have switched "identities.""Anyway.....there is very good suspense in this film as the good guy tries to save his wife and family from being killed by the deranged human. Yeah, I sounds confusing and stupid, but it isn't. The film also boasts a few shocking scenes and twists at the end. Recommended.
HumanoidOfFlesh ***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Those who think that this is the worst film ever made are completely missing the point.I know that "La Machine" has its share of flaws,but it's still exciting and it can be a real gut-puncher at times.Depardieu is excellent in the different personalities he has to affect,the rest of the cast is also splendid.yes,the similarities between this one and overrated John Woo's actioner "Face Off"(I love his Hong Kong stuff,but films he does in Hollywood are pathetic crap,though)are obvious.So is "La Machine" worth watching?Of course yes,but beware:there are two extremely brutal and disturbing knife killings in this film.Especially the last scene when young boy stabs to death his mother is really harrowing.10 out of 10.
clarknova It's my first day on IMDb and my first move here will be to say to the world how awful is this movie. The worst i have ever seen in my life (and i used to be an horror picture fan so you can believe me, i have seen real Z movies). In La Machine, Depardieu plays like a puppet and Didier Bourdon is so ridiculous i felt ashamed for him, I really felt the Chill of Shame. Thanks God, the scenario worth nothing so nothing is wasted.