The Lost Jungle
The Lost Jungle
NR | 13 June 1934 (USA)
The Lost Jungle Trailers

Clyde Beatty, an animal trainer and circus star, leads a search for his missing girlfriend and her father who were on an expedition looking for a lost tropical island. Using a dirigible as his mode of transportation, Beatty and his band head off in search of the missing explorers only to crash their airship on the same island their friends are located. Battling wild animals and a gang of greedy men searching for gold, Beatty and his party must rescue his girlfriend and father all the while trying to escape their jungle island. Feature version of the same-title serial of the same year, with refilmed sequences substantially altering the plot and characters of the original chapterplay.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Michael Slusher If you enjoy watching animals whipped, threatened, frightened and just abused in general, then this filth is for you! To make it even more wretched, they staged violent fights between animals (do YOU, dear viewer, also enjoy watching dog fights?), most notably between a tiger and a lion, two species who would never meet in the wild. This film is simply a horrifying excuse to profit from animal abuse. Stay AWAY!
mark.waltz If stock footage can be collected to wrap a shell of a story around, do it as long as it includes wild animals, especially wild cats. Clyde Beatty may not be a poster boy for animal rights groups today, but back in the 1930's, his movies were a way for movie goers to see nature at work even if he caught animals in traps to be exploited in the circus. He does treat the captured animals well, disciplining a worker for abuse, causing that employee to seek revenge. The first half of this edited version of the serial feature focuses on circus training while the second half goes to Africa. Long before they played brother and sister in the Andy Hardy series, Mickey Rooney and Cecilia Parker appeared together here.
Chase_Witherspoon Famed circus-man and animal wrangler Clyde Beatty stars as himself in this semi-fictitious account of his girlfriend (Parker), whom he neglects for his animals, disappearing on an expedition to a remote island in the tropics. Naturally Beatty sets off to locate her, but runs into trouble when the blimp on which he's travelling crashes following a storm. Not only does he have to contend with the ferocious menagerie of lions, tigers, leopards and hyenas, but his even more dangerous assistant wrangler Sharkey (Richmond) motivated only to cause maximum harm to Beatty at every given opportunity.Beatty is affable if not really an actor, while the under-utilised Cecilia Parker has little independence in her character to make the impression of which she's capable as the film's biggest name. Every circus needs a clown and Syd Saylor offers slapstick relief as a goofy-looking sidekick to Beatty's 'straight man' routine, and generally speaking, Warner Richmond achieves his brief as Beatty's two-faced nemesis and impostor to the throne.Frequent footage of the animals performing their tricks might be of interest to some, or appear cruel to others; essentially the feature is an advertisement for Beatty's travelling animal circus and so if that's your tonic, you should be entertained.
John W Chance "The Lost Jungle" is one of those typical 'back-and-forth captured items type' serials-- the bad guys capture something (or someone); then the good guys steal it back; then the bad guys steal it back again, etc., etc. How many of these can you name? 'Holt of the Secret Service,' 'The New Adventures of Tarzan,' 'The Perils of Pauline,' 'SOS Coast Guard,' 'The Phantom Creeps,' 'The Return of Chandu,' and countless others as well as this one-- in this case, stealing the missing jewels.Then there are those serials where the heroes go back and forth to a place-- 'The Lost City,' 'The Phantom Empire,' and the Flash Gordon serials. Except for the Flash Gordon serials and anything with Bela Lugosi, these are all the kinds of serials you watch while you're doing something else. You don't miss much except who's got the 'whatzit' or who's in the 'wherezit' in each episode.What if you cut out most of this endless back-and-forth business and edited it into a tight feature? They did it with this one! Usually feature versions cut out so much the film jumps too fast, skips too much, is hard to follow or doesn't make sense. Here, with the constant back and forth stealing of the jewels (how many times? 3? 4? 5?) cut down to just one time, the whole film flows right along with good continuity.In fact, for the 69 minutes of the movie, most of it is the entire, long first chapter that includes Clyde Beatty in the ring working with the animals (and with Mickey Rooney as a small boy), flying across the ocean in the dirigible (hail to those dirigible serials!) and crashing on the 'mysterious' island. Then bang! zoom! the hidden jewels are stolen and recovered and it's happy ending time! Glorious thirties shots of wild circus animals, especially with Clyde himself. They could have kept more animal sequences in, but why quibble.NOTE: My copy was part of the 'SciFi Classics 50 Movie Pack.' Unless you've got a lot of things to do around the house and need something to watch while doing them, go for the feature version first.