The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman
| 18 October 2005 (USA)
The Legend of Frosty the Snowman Trailers

Frosty the Snowman goes where he is needed most, and the town of Evergreen sure needed a visit. Mr Tinkerton, the mayor, runs a tight ship, and there's no room for talk of magic or any other such nonsense. But, when Frosty the Snowman blows through town, he shows the town's children that magic is real. Tinkerton's sons, Charlie and Tommy, along with their friends Sarah and Walter, want to spread the word about Frosty's fun-loving, magical antics but meet resistance from Evergreen Elementary's dastardly principal Hank Pankley. In the end, good wins out, and all the citizens of Evergreen happily learn that magic is real and fun is for everyone!

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
n-solis1996 I saw this movie when I was little most of the time watching this film is just confusing to me Ike what is the plot suppose to be Frosty existence or a life just sad and cannot be any fun?
leducjjr This show is an example of how sequels ought not be done.Basic plot line and assumptions: Parents and adults are uptight idiots. Kids in the viewing audience can't pay attention long enough to string two thoughts together. 1950s attitudes about cleanliness and social norms are only silly things to be mocked. Having sat through this with my 4-yr old grandson, I can say that's all I got out of this.I echo the other reviewers' statements about disjointed scenes, especially at the "commercial break" cuts. The warm old-timey music and Burt Reynold's resonant voice were the only things that brought my attention back to the screen from time to time. Everything else was just annoying or tuned out.This did keep a 4-year-old's attention so maybe this is who it's aimed at. Not a classic by any means.
makuribu The John Goodman program was pretty awful, but this thing just plain stinks. The one and only thing in this mess that made me smile was recognizing the voice of Patrick Starfish as Frosty. The story is hopeless, written by somebody who has garbled memories of childhood rebelliousness but has never gained any adult sense of perspective in the intervening years. Paranoia rules the dark world that these characters inhabit. Everybody is unpleasant, and for no reason. The plot is predictable but the show lurches from one inexplicable, unconnected scene to another in such a pointless way there is no fun in watching it. The worst thing is nobody in the production crew seems to have ever seen snow!
rwillems-2 Barring a few exceptions, children's cartoons, especially sequels, seem to have been made by people who believe kids to be incapable of appreciating anything other than a simple joke. As a result, they fill their programs with noise and pretty lame humor. I tuned in to watch Legend simply because it aired after the original special and I couldn't find anything else to watch. As I watched, I was impressed with the storyline (a somewhat anti-establishment tale with a love story subplot) and the jokes, which actually made me laugh audibly several times (BROTHER: Santa Claus isn't real WALTER: Just like magical snowmen aren't, right? FROSTY WALKS BY WINDOW, HUMMING: Hey, Walter! Give me a call sometime! BROTHER, GAPING: … WALTER: Hmm, I didn't know he had a phone). My only real complaints are a) the choice of voice actor for Frosty (another reviewer said he was the voice actor for Patrick from Spongebob Squarepants) who doesn't really fit the Frosty we all know and love and b) the one or two liberties the special takes with the original plot (although there are some nice references and nods made to it).While it doesn't have the same "heart-warming" feel of the original, The Legend of Frosty the Snowman is a surprisingly well-scripted holiday special that parents will be able to enjoy almost as much as their kids and it won't put them to sleep to boot!
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