The Last Rescue
The Last Rescue
| 21 April 2015 (USA)
The Last Rescue Trailers

World World II: Shortly after D-Day, three American soldiers and two Army Corps nurses are stranded behind enemy lines. They take a high-ranking German officer as their prisoner and try to orchestrate an escape.

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
jamesharringtondes One watching this movie has to wonder why money was spent creating it. The truck early in the movie could have been used to travel. Actors seem to be walking in the direction the truck was going, i.e., further behind enemy lines. You will instantly see good ol Zach from "Desp Hswv"--never letting any viewer down, Zach is still a downer kind of man.Always troubled by ...something. The two nurses eventually let their hair down once ensconced in a come-by house. Here is where the movie goes to sleep. Watching this on Roku there is a commercial every five minutes. Hooray. Time to retire and do something meaningful like sleep through this hazard to your mental health.
Gerda Klar I have seen most war films made and interestingly I have seen every one of these scenes, heard the dialogue before and know the story line. The 5 min opening montage nearly made me give up but I had hopes. I do not understand what happened they seem to have had a good deal of money and cast, but they just didn't do anything interesting with any of it. Cody Kash and Tino Struckmann were by far the most interesting actors in this film, had they written it with some action and let their best actors square off or team up it could have been something. I agree with other comments on the bad guy German who could not speak either German or English I speak some German and laughed out loud at his rant at that point any semblance of drama was lost. I do not understand why nobody let that pass - oh well some directors wont listen I hear.
kellyq12 I love POW stories, not that this is a POW story per se, but the second half of the story does include that. The mental dynamic of soldiers from opposing sides in the same physical and mental space is always fascinating to me. Nice inclusion of army nurses too, which felt realistic and made this film stand out as something different. Good performances and directing. Starts fast, but slows down a bit in the middle. Strong end. Clearly an indie, but worth it. I know this doesn't count as the actual movie review, but the Behind the Scenes Making Of was interesting and well done. It's on the DVD. I definitely recommend, but don't go into it expecting a Saving Private Ryan big budget blockbuster.
drgreenthumb1001 If you think you are getting an action movie you will be sorely mistaken, due to obvious budget implications this movie is more like a drama....or a "war soap opera".Where the film is shot is not convincing, I don't feel like Im traveling through 1940s Europe, but some American forest. The writing shows a true lack of understanding of what WW2 conflict was about, or the military in general and thusly the actors are not to able to portray this film accurately enough for the time period. The movie also rambles on in scenes, since the budget is low, and action scenes scarce, they try to write in scenes with supposedly deep, profound conversations but its just boring and cheesy.Even the scenes of tension are lame, like the soldier hiding behind a door he would obviously have been seen by anyone, heck a 2 year old would have found him.Then there is a scene where they just let some German soldiers go, (of course the decision comes back to haunt them) its completely unbelievable and lame you can tell the writer of this movie, never spent a day in the military, neither did the Director or any of the Producers.BTW, there were like 3 pages of posts talking about how great this movies was 2 weeks ago, but it looks like IMDb dumped them all, I knew it was to good to be true, and when I turned the movie on, I was like yup, knew it...thank goodness it was a torrent!