The Last Lions
The Last Lions
| 11 February 2011 (USA)
The Last Lions Trailers

In Botswana's Okavango Delta, an ostracized lioness and her two cubs must fight alone to survive - overcoming all manner of hazards. Their only defense is to escape to Duba Island -- and with that, an unknown future. The setting for this epic tale is one of the last regions where lions can live in the wild. Faced with dwindling land and increasing pressure from hunting, lions - like our lone lioness and her cubs - are approaching the brink of extinction.

Alicia I love this movie so much
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Bruce Banner As an avid watcher of National Geographic and big-cat films I was able to spot the deception this supposed "documentary" tries to pull off. My great excitement immediately plummeted when i recognized footage from other videos being inserted into this one to complete the storyline- in other words create a story where there was none.It happened numerous times, each time i was surprised how low a film by what you would think is an honorable company- national geographic- would sink to.The lack of honesty in what was supposed to be a documentary destroyed any value this film had for me. I only gave it three stars because there were cool visuals, even though the story was dreck.There are some good videos out there. Go watch Lions and Hyenas: Eternal Enemies. That will really knock your face off and you won't grow a long nose like Pinnochio for watching it.
peturthorra This movie gives away something more than a normal documentary, it makes us feel for our emotions, emotions for the lions we watched in this movie. It is most beautiful animal story i have ever watched, thrilling but very beautiful. It shows us the real life of lioness and her cubs going through difficulties that the wild life has to offer. Wonderful narrator, one of the best, top class cinematography and lovely music. Emotional, beautiful and thrilling, this is not a ordinary documentary, it is a masterpiece. 10/10 must seen movie for those who have emotions and want to get more from a documentary.The trailer doesn't give the movie the look and feel and is some kind of misleading how the film really is.
ichimitsu Oh my God! This was so good. It's probably the best documentary on lions I have ever seen. Honestly. The lioness overcame so much! I bawled my eyes out when she had to leave the cub with the broken spine. And I don't cry that often. She became a leader, and forged friendships, and thankfully still had one child. She never gave up on that herd of buffalo...she was going to get one no matter what it cost her. Usually, I watch these things and feel sad for the prey, but I wanted her get one. And you could actually see the pain of loss in her face when she lost her mate, and her two cubs, especially the second one. She knew she would have to leave it behind. I know I sound corny, but this movie was great. It made me feel sad, happy and guilty all at the same time. It makes me want to quit my job and go save lions!
nanax1559 Beautifully shot, no question about it. But the anthropomorphizing is just too much. Why force a dramatic story where there is none. The real wild Africa is disappearing rapidly, but this type of film is not going to do anything to understand what is going on. I also find it really offensive to present a totally fabricated story as a "wildlife" documentary. Granted one has to take creative licenses and I respect the fact that you cannot shoot a film like that in a matter of weeks. But then don't present this as a document from the wild.Warning "Spoiler" Furthermore, why pay $10 to see this in a theater when you can see wildlife documentaries 24/7 in HD at home. In 3D, yes... but then again with my iPod turned up full blast to cancel the noise coming out of Jeremy Irons mouth.